Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

Rose Gardening & the Climate Zones

    Climate Zones

    • Climate zones or hardiness zones are geographical areas designated by their coldest average temperatures. Plants like roses are rated for which zones they are known to survive in. Zones range from 1 through 10, with zone 1 being the coldest.


    • Roses come in a wide variety of types, colors and sizes. Most require full sunlight for six to eight hours each day, but they will wilt in excessive heat. Some varieties are hardy in colder climates up to zone 3, but the vast majority require warmer climates.


    • Keep your hardiness zone in mind when choosing a rosebush. If you live on the edge of a zone, you may be able to stretch the recommendation by one level if other circumstances are cooperative. For example, a rose rated for zone 5 may survive in zone 4 if it's protected from cold temperatures in the winter.

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