Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Plant Mountain Grass

    • 1). Plant in a site in full sun to partial shade. Mountain grass grows in a wide variety of soil types, but grows best in moderately moist, medium-textured, deep soils.

    • 2). Turn over the soil with a garden spade to the depth of the blade. It is not necessary to improve the soil with organic soil amendments. Rake the surface of the bed smooth when finished digging.

    • 3). Sow seeds of mountain grass in early spring. Space the seeds about 3 to 6 inches apart in all directions in the planting bed. Cover the seeds with no more than 1 inch of additional soil sprinkled on top of them. Gently firm the soil over the seeds to ensure that seeds and soil are in close contact with each other.

    • 4). Water the newly planted seeds by spraying with a hose-end sprayer set to a fine mist. Check the seed bed daily and water as necessary to keep the seeds moist until they germinate in seven to 10 days. Thereafter, water as needed to give the plants the equivalent of 1 inch of rainfall per week.

    • 5). Thin the mountain grass seedlings to stand about 8 to 12 inches apart when they are about 4 inches high.

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