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How to Clean Tire Marks off of a White Vinyl Fence

    • 1). Dampen one end of a rough-textured cloth with lacquer thinner.

    • 2). Rub the tire marks with the cloth until you remove all the marks. If the marks are stubborn, apply the lacquer thinner with the rag and use a medium-bristled scrub brush to scrub the marks from the fence.

    • 3). Pour 1/4 cup dishwashing liquid into a quart-size spray bottle and fill the remainder of the bottle with hot water.

    • 4). Shake the contents of the spray bottle well and spray the cleaner on the section of the fence where you removed the tire marks.

    • 5). Wash the section with a rag or sponge to make sure all the lacquer thinner is completely removed.

    • 6). Rinse the section with your water hose. Make sure you remove all the soap from the section or it will collect dirt.

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