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The Art of Creating Bonsai Trees

Creating bonsai trees is a captivating hobby and can be enjoyed by anybody with an interest in plants.
It is more than simple decoration and still different from a traditional artistic expression.
Bonsai has a quality of cultivating one's spirit by enabling a person to find the patience to understand the life and discovering the peace that flows from nature.
The art of bonsai is often described as making a living sculpture.
If you learn to cultivate these kinds of tree-like shrubs carefully, you may want to have more than one.
Bonsai is actually all about deception.
We attempt to trick our eyes and brain into thinking that the one or two foot tree we're looking at is actually a 30 or 40 foot tree viewed from a distance.
Bonsai is rooted in the act of pruning trees in order to make a miniaturized version.
Thus the trees will have to be trimmed and pruned on a regular basis.
The art of bonsai is said to have begun with the Chinese some 1,700 years ago, but the word is of Japanese origin.
Bon translates as "tray" in Japanese and sai means "to plant.
" Therefore the word bonsai means to plant in a tray.
Bonsai trees are created when the pruning of the plant is combined with the growing of the plant in a small container in a way that would create a pleasing shape to the admirer.
The bonsai can be a small bush with two or three pom-poms grown on the ends of the branches to a highly advanced 30 centimeter specimen that appears to look like an ancient tree that should be over 20 meters high.

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