How to Do a Yoga Staff Pose
- 1). Sit up straight on the floor. Your legs should be extended straight out in front of you.
- 2). Try not to round the low back as you sit. If you have hip or back sensitivities, or if it is difficult to maintain a straight spine, try sitting on a yoga bolster or cushion. By sitting with your hips up higher then your knees you can take pressure off of the hips and back.
- 3). Tighten the abdominal muscles lightly and, maintaining a straight back, hinge forward from the hips. Think about lengthening your chest out towards your toes, rather then rounding and dropping over.
- 4). Keep your hands on your thighs or the floor for support. Flex the feet and press out through your heels.
- 5). Go as far as you can with a straight spine. Let the upper body relax into the stretch. If you can, grab your feet without excessively rounding the back when do so. If not, just keep the hands on your thighs or floor. You can also wrap a towel or yoga strap around your feet and hold onto the ends.
- 6). Hold for 5 to 10 deep breaths. With each exhale focus on relaxing your hips and low back and lengthening the body out over the legs.