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How to Remove Mold From the Inside of an Antique Wooden Box

    Remove Mold with Bleach

    • 1). Remove everything from the wooden box. Place everything on a clean towel off to the side.

    • 2). Use a soft cloth to clean the material inside the wooden box. If the antique wooden box has a velvet lining, apply carpet cleaner to the soft cloth and brush the mildew away.

    • 3). Combine 1 cup of bleach with 1 gallon of water.

    • 4). Soak a sponge in the bleach and water mixture. Wring the sponge out, and scrub the mildew off the wooden box. If the mildew or mold appears stubborn, use a soft bristled scrubbing brush to scrape the mold away.

    • 5). Use a lint-free towel to dry the wooden box. Continue to use the sponge dipped in the bleach solution to remove the mildew. Dry the box in between each cleaning to prevent saturating it with water.

    • 6). Fill a bucket with clean warm water. Rinse away the bleach mixture from the wooden box. Wipe it down with a clean cloth. Ensure that you dry the box completely before you replace any objects.

    • 7). Sprinkle baking soda into the box to remove the odor. Vacuum the baking soda out after 2 to 3 hours.

    Remove Mold with Vinegar

    • 1). Fill a spray bottle halfway with vinegar.

    • 2). Fill the rest of the bottle with water.

    • 3). Shake the bottle to mix the vinegar and water.

    • 4). Spray the solution on the mold. Allow it to set for two to three minutes.

    • 5). Use a sponge to scrub away the mold carefully. Rinse the solution off with a separate spray bottle filled with only water. Dry the area with a towel.

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