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An Overview and History of Oprah"s O Ambassadors

Oprah's O Ambassadors - Quick Facts:
  • O Ambassadors is a project jointly created by Oprah's Angel Network and Free the Children.
  • This volunteer student program is designed to address the UN Millennium Development Goals of poverty, hunger, sustainable development and education.
  • The program was officially launched on The Oprah Show during the May 26, 2008 episode. The program chose the first 12 students to volunteer 3 weeks of their time and build a school in Kenya in 2007.

  • Students in the US and Canada join O Ambassadors Clubs to assist the regions of West Africa, East Africa, South Asia, East Asia and Latin America.
  • Students are given the opportunity to not only learn about the global needs of others, but to have direct involvement in helping and making a change.
  • Educators can sign up and anyone can donate to the program on the O Ambassadors website.

  • Free the Children:

    Free the Children was founded by Craig Kielburger, who first visited the Oprah show at 16 in 1999. It's Craig's belief that "you are never too young to change the world." The organization Free the Children has built more than 500 schools in a number of countries around the world, helping young people avoid a life of child labor through education. Started by Craig and the help of some of his school friends when he was just 12 years-old, Free the Children is now the largest organization of children whose mission is to help other kids around the world.

    Oprah's Angel Network:

    Oprah's Angel Network was inspired back in 1994 when a little girl sat on Oprah's stage and shared her story of collecting change to help others.

    The little girl was able to collect $1,000 - what could Oprah do with that same simple idea? In 1997 Oprah put the call out to her viewers to collect change, and more than 3 million dollars were donated. Since then, millions of dollars have been donated and used to build schools, buy books and school supplies, and contribute to independent foundations that are working to make a difference to those in need.

    Angel Network & Free the Children - O Ambassadors:

    By combining their efforts and forming O Ambassadors, the Angel Network and Free the Children have created a way for children across the US and Canada to help other children around the world.

    With the help of educators, students are able to form clubs and get started right away. Most of the work of the organization is done through fundraising in the states. This money is used to help achieve the mission of addressing the UN's Millennium Development Goals by building schools, buying books and supplies, or building a well in a community.

    Children of all ages are able to participate in the O Ambassadors program by volunteering their time to raise money with their club. An added benefit of being a part of the organization is having the opportunity to apply to be a part of a group of teens that is sent overseas. A select group of high school students is chosen to spend a few weeks in the summer in an area of need putting the money they have raised to work, along with a little physical labor as well. The teens get the chance to see up close how their efforts actually make a difference in the lives of others.

    How to Get Involved in O Ambassadors:

    To officially get involved in the O Ambassadors, a selected educator needs to enroll in the program on the organization website. Once enrolled and accepted, the school will receive documents outlining the lesson plans and fundraising goals and the assigned global area to work for.

    If you are unable to apply to become an O Ambassadors Club, the website offers Action of the Week, which gives students and teachers an action to participate in and discuss together.

    Another way to participate in the program is to donate.

    Donating to O Ambassadors:

    If you choose to help the program by donating, you will not be donating directly to O Ambassadors, but to either Oprah's Angel Network or Free the Children. Links are provided on all 3 websites for people to easily donate online.

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