Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Tips on How to Quit Smoking Cigarettes the Easy Way

Do you ever find that tips on how to quit smoking cigarettes never seem to provide you with the easiest way to quit? No matter how many patches, potions or prescriptions that are available to you, nothing really looks that easy.
Believe it or not, quitting really can be easy, and the following information has been provided to help you figure out how.
One of the first obstacles to overcome when trying to find the easy way to quit smoking is to understand the nature of nicotine addiction.
Once you move smoking from the "habit" category to the "nicotine" addiction category, you start to realize that quitting is really only a matter of eliminating your addiction.
Instead of focusing on the long life you are expecting without cigarettes, focus on the brief period of time it will take to cure the addiction.
The addiction to nicotine is overcome three to four weeks after tobacco use is stopped.
Now the question is, "how do I get through that three weeks".
Here is one of the best tips that can help you prepare to quit.
List out every cigarette you smoke and determine an alternative to fill that spot in your day.
This strategy typically makes it easy to snuff out a number of your daily cigarettes before your final quit.
Listing out your daily cigarette intake and finding alternatives to each cigarette can help you see where there may be larger barriers to quitting.
You can improve upon this strategy by making it more difficult to smoke during those cigarettes that appear more difficult to quit.
For example, if smoking in the car is your largest barrier, lock your cigarettes up in the trunk or leave them out of reach.
You will definitely find that a number of your cigarettes are based on convenience, and once inconvenienced, you will figure out ways to use an alternative.

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