Law & Legal & Attorney Immigration Law

Benefits of an Immigrant Investor Visa

Getting an Eb-5 Green Card is highly beneficial to those immigrants who are looking to come to the U.
to start or restart a business.
Today immigration is at an all time high and more and more people year each are looking to become permanent residents or citizens of the U.
Because of this, many people look into the Immigrant Investor Visa Program.
While this is a very popular program, a lot of immigrants wonder if an Eb-5 Investor Visa is truly worth getting especially considering the cost.
Many are well aware of the other types of visas and want to know why an investor's visa is best for then.
The fact is that an investor visa is best for those people looking to start or become the owner of an already existing business.
For those immigrants looking to come to the U.
for other reasons, an immigrant investor visa may not be ideal.
But, if you're one who is considering coming to the U.
to make a name for you and your business, there are plenty of other benefits to having an EB5 green card.
Below are benefits to consider if you're looking to apply for a visa: 1.
Run your own business - You can run a business on your own as long as you can prove that the business will help the economy, provide employment and so on! If running a business is your dream, this visa is definitely for you.
No need for a sponsor - A lot of people who want a visa and/or green card have to have a U.
citizen sponsor them.
However with this visa you do not need any type of sponsor for you to become a permanent resident.
Can live anywhere in the U.
- The visa allows you to live wherever you want to within the U.
There are no restrictions as to where you live which means you're free to live with family, friends, or on your own wherever you choose! 4.
Don't need employment authorization - You don't have to be offered employment within the U.
to apply and be approved for an EB5 visa unlike other types especially working green cards.
Able to be a sponsor for green cards - Just as you don't need a sponsor, with an EB5 visa you're able to be a sponsor for your family.
This means when applying for green card your name will be the sponsor on the application.
Easier to become a citizen - With the visa once you have been a permanent resident in the U.
for five or more years, you're able to apply to become a U.
Each year plenty of people apply for an immigrant investor visa.
There are a lot of good benefits when it comes to having one of these visas.
They are great for those people who are looking to come to the U.
to start a business.
If you're looking for a way to come to the U.
and have the freedom to run your own business, live wherever, and many other benefits, definitely consider an EB5 visa.

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