Law & Legal & Attorney Immigration Law

Are You an International Student Hoping to Come to the UK?

During 2008 and through to 2009 the immigration law within the UK is being completely overhauled and the immigration law is being completely changed as a new points based immigration system is being brought in for non-European Union migrants wishing to come to the UK to work, study, and train.
This new point's based system will be broken into a new five tier system that will replace the current 80 routes that exist at the moment for entry into the UK.
Each of these tiers will have different conditions, entitlements and entry requirements for the individual who is applying.
For the sake of this article we are going to be looking at the forth tier of this new system.
This tier four is for students to apply to study within the UK.
Migrants hoping to study within the UK under tier four of the new UK immigration system will require the need to get sponsorship from a university or other qualified UK educational institution.
If this sponsorship is gained you will be presented with a sponsorship certificate, which is a statement from a college or university etc declaring that you will abide by the rules and requirements set out by the course.
These educational institutions will also be able to report non-enrolment and non-attendance.
As well as needing sponsorship you also need to score enough points to be accepted as an international student.
It is important to remember that this aspect of the new tier system doesn't come into play until 2009 but it is important to make yourself aware of the changes that are being brought in so that if you are planning on applying under tier four of the new immigration system then you need to make yourself aware of the conditions of this tier.
It is also advised that you keep a check on the regulations and restrictions that surround this tier in case any of them change.
For example the current system for students coming to study in the UK allows them to stay for an initial period of one year; it has yet to be decided as to whether this will remain this way or whether it will be changed when the new tier four comes into action.
Also with the current system foreign students are allowed to work for 20 hours whilst they are in school and 40 hours during holidays, again keep check on whether this aspect of immigration law has changed.
The tier four aspect of the new immigration laws will replace the UK student visa service and place more emphasis upon the responsibility of the education body in question for the applicants they permit to study.
The aim of this tier immigration service is to provide a more user-friendly, transparent route to studying in the UK.
With the current system that is in place you are able to get a student visa for the following: oGeneral student, which is when you are studying at or above degree level.
This includes 15 hours of studying per week oSchool; this covers students who are in full time study at an independent school and goes up to the age of 18 oStudy through work, which is when students who are on courses or work experience/placements.
Whilst undergoing this you are also permitted to work for 20 hours a week.
If you are hoping to come to the UK to study it is important that you keep a check on the rules and regulations surrounding the new tier system so that you know exactly what is going on.

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