Business & Finance Social Media

123 Success Formula on Social Networks

Being a passionate social networker even before the term 'Social Networks" was coined and broadly used, I have seen this global phenomenon grow before my own eyes every day.
I have observed and gathered avalanche of information, insights and wisdom on Social media and I am overflowing with knowledge to share with the world.
To make is super easy for online article readers, I have compiled and consolidated to given you key indicators how you can escalate your social media success by following and implementing these very principles I use daily to achieve success and become an expert in this young industry of Social Media.
10 kinds of people that are using Social Media as Business Tool today.
  1. Small Business Owners.
  2. Corporate Sector & Major Brands.
  3. Entrepreneurs, Homepreneur or Solopreneurs.
  4. Online Business Owners.
  5. Network Marketing Companies.
  6. Work at Home Dads & Moms.
  7. Bands, Artists & Musicians.
  8. Authors, Coaches and Speakers, Niche Experts.
  9. Hospitality and Travel
  10. Recruiter & Job Agencies...
    many many more.
5 Mistakes Social Networkers make and how YOU can avoid them.
1 Mistake: Not defining your specific purpose, goals and reasons for using Social Networks.
2 Mistake: Overuse of Facebook and Twitter.
3 Mistake: Not Building Relationships, and spamming your network.
4 Mistake Weak Social Presence and Social Profile.
5 Mistake: Not Measuring Outcome Return on Time (ROI).
Activities vs.
10 Ways How to Attract Friends Followers and Raving Fans.
  1. Practice Good Netiquettes.
    Be respectful and appreciate diversities of culture and values.
  2. Develop a Measurable and Scalable Social Strategy.
  3. Familiarize Yourself with Social Culture on each social network.
  4. Be Respectful and Add Value to your friends and networks.
  5. Learn the Tools and Applications and apply them strategically.
  6. Be Aware of the Human Emotions and respect others belief system.
  7. Live Your Personality Brand by projecting yourself that is authentic.
  8. Interact and Participate often in your network and be proactive.
  9. Get Known and Get Recommended.
  10. Post Content that will get you rave hi 5s that others want to share.
10 Global Leaders, Entrepreneurs & Brands using Social Media Actively.
  1. Barrack Obama
  2. Oprah
  3. Kevin Rudd
  4. Dell Computers
  5. Pizza Hut
  6. BMW
  7. Sir Richard Branson
  8. Anthony Robbins
  9. Coke
  10. Dunkin Donuts
5 Ways How to Make Money on Social Networks.
  1. Build a Good Reputation.
  2. Optimize Your Profile Page Elegantly.
  3. Have a Global and International mindset.
  4. Look for JV Opportunities.
  5. Mastermind with other industry experts and leaders.
2 Key Differences between Socializing & Networking 1.
Socializing is hanging out with people you love and like for fun and common interest.
Networking is when you form relationships with a specific result in mind.
5 Powerful ways you can use Social Media for Global Good.
Make a positive difference in others life by stepping up and being a solution to others by sharing your expertise with the world.
Combine your strengths and mastermind with others to Co-create and collaborate solutions for global challenges in every area of life.
Do good deeds by getting involved in global economical, social, health, environmental issues and support your favorite cause.
Be a Go Giver and give the information you have to help others.
Leave a powerful legacy so the world remembers you for your contribution.
Implement these strategies and you will be a Rock Star and Celebrity of your network.
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