Home & Garden Gardening

The Best Way to Apply Miracle-Gro

    • 1). Attach the Miracle-Gro garden feeder to your garden hose. Clean out any old solution and make sure the jar is empty. The feeder will mix the plant food with the water as the feeder waters your plants.

    • 2). Select the type of Miracle-Gro plant food you need to apply. Miracle-Gro comes in formulas for roses, flowers, tomatoes and vegetables. Each food has a different mixture of nutrients for the plants based on what type of plants you are watering.

    • 3). Measure the Miracle-Gro plant food into the jar of the feeder using the measuring cup. Each 1 1/4 pound of Miracle-Gro will provide 50 gallons of food enriched water. This volume will cover approximately 500 square feet of garden. The feeder attached to the end of your hose will take about 12 minutes to dispense all the Miracle-Gro. To gauge your watering times, it only requires 15 seconds to water tomato plants or other thirsty plants.

    • 4). Water your plants as normal using the feeder. Remember to change foods if you are watering different types of plants. Dump any unused liquid from the feeder into a storage can until your next feeding. Rinse the jar and add the food for your next set of plants.

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