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Diet Pill Dangers-3 Reasons why you should avoid taking diet pills

Diet pills are all to common these days. Largely because we live in a time where there is a pill for every occasion and also because we are all looking for a quick fix to our weight problems. Notice I said "we" because just like you I have struggled with weight issues all of my life, however, it wasn't until recently that I began to really do some research and question what I was taking and how they were really effecting my body. So here is what I have found from my research efforts.

Diet pills have WAY TOO MANY side effects linked to them. Some of those side effects include, but are not limited to, headaches, nausea, dizziness, insomnia,heart attack, stroke, increased heart rate, high blood pressure, and the ultimate effect death!

If those chilling side effects don't make you think, how about the fact that 87% of people who take diet pills and manage to lose a few pounds, gain all of the weight back once they discontinue using the pills. Which that to me makes them all the more a waste of time and money. So unless you wish to gain the weight back again (which if you are like me the is NOT what you want) you now run the risk of becoming dependent on the pills just to make you feel somewhat "happy" with yourself and they way you look and feel.

Lastly I have found that the pills make you "feel full" or take away your urges to eat, when in fact this is one of the worst things that you can do when trying to lose weight. Without food and nutrition your body can never kick start its metabolism, which means that your engines never get "revved" up enough to start burning fat. So ultimately you get the "tired and rundown" effect, without any signs of weight loss.

So what is my recommendation? Find a safer more effective alternative to diet pills. There are ways of watching what you eat, or just simply rotating your intake of certain foods that will allow your bodies metabolism to stay at its peak, resulting in more fat loss without the effects of dependency of pills.

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