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Everything about candida which you should to know

Candida is a fungus belonging to the type of yeast that grows in hot and humid environments, rich in sugar, easily adaptable to the human body temperature.

Mushrooms or fungi are microorganisms often present in some areas of the body such as the intestine, the oral cavity, vagina and skin. If properly countered by the immune system through the action of some specialized bacteria, fungi are harmless and do not cause any disturbance. The playback system of fungi occurs through spores that multiply to colonize new areas of the human body.

When, for various reasons, the areas in the body which normally dwells candida and its microbial flora are altered, the fungus takes precedence over other organisms and becomes pathogenic, causing an infection known as candidiasis.


Candidiasis is a disease typical of the exposed parts of the body and moist, such as the oral cavity (thrush), the vagina (candida vaginitis), the penis, the folds of the skin of the fingers and toes (athlete's foot ), the intestine, the nails and the area covered by diapers.

In relation to the area of ??proliferation of the fungus, candidiasis is defined as skin or mucous membranes.

In cases where the infection pathological interest subjects whose immune defenses are weakened (immunocompromised individuals), it is called candidiasis deep. The forms relate to large skin folds of the human body and are favored local moisture and maceration, which usually ensues.

The mucosal candidiasis affecting the oropharynx, mouth and intestines. The pathological conditions affecting the mouth (thrush) and the upper airways are not painful and begin with an redness of the mucosa, as a result, he quickly paints a white coating. The intestinal candidiasis causes instead diarrhea, abdominal pain and bloating.

The forms deep, also known as systemic or visceral, vary their intensity in relation to the immune deficiency of affected persons and the general conditions of the organism. In such cases, the fungus candida is present in the blood and tries to install an organ in the human body. The effects are not very dissimilar from those of septicemia and the affected individual must often be subjected to hospitalization.


candida is best known as a disease of the vagina and the genital tract. The phenomenon occurs usually in women of childbearing potential and sexually active. It is estimated that, on average, one in three women will have been affected at least once in their lifetime. There are also cases of candidiasis even in children and baby (diaper rash). The disease also affects males, although in many cases, in men, the seed remains in the body without manifesting negative symptoms.

Depending on the type of fungus, candida stands in albicans- torulopsis- tropicalis- Rhodotorula. The various types of differentiated both in relation to the symptoms, both in relation to the reaction to drugs used for the therapy.

In our country, the most common form is that of candida albicans.

In women, candidiasis can occur, usually in three distinct forms. In the event that the person is a carrier of the spores of the fungus, but does not feel any trouble talking about asymptomatic candidiasis.

The symptomatic pathological form is instead characterized by itching, scaling, swelling, redness, and burning during urination and sexual intercourse.

Infection with Candida albicans is manifested, in particular, through significant losses of substances whitish and odorless, so-called "cottage cheese". The darker color of secretions would indicate the presence of spores of the fungus as well as filaments (hyphae). On the skin outside the vagina can occur red blotches that extend to the base of the thighs, buttocks, and back to the root.

The chronic candidiasis is finally characterized by a constant state of vaginal dryness, redness and peeling that recall, characteristics and types, symptoms typical of the period after the menopause. The chronic form is often generated by therapeutic incorrect or resistance to specific families of drugs.

In humans, candidiasis is manifested by symptoms such as redness, itching and burning localized especially on the glans and foreskin. The infection takes the name of balanitis and is characterized by secretions of whitish color.

2The candida fungus candida is triggered and causes ailments, usually in relation to a situation of temporary weakness of the human body, resulting in a lowering of the immune system. Among the most common factors we can mention certain medical conditions or behaviors that promote the activation of the microorganism responsible for candidiasis. Some of the most frequent causes are attributable to:

Diabetes: the fungus candida is fertile ground for proliferation, taking advantage of the instability in the activity of the organism to metabolize sugar.

Immunosuppression: the immune system is not able to ensure the defense of the organism from external attacks since weakened by stress or diseases such as, for example, AIDS.

Chemotherapy and corticosteroids, some drugs used to fight cancer or diseases of various kinds lead to an overall weakening of the human organism:

Use of antibiotics: this category of medicines can help eliminate not only harmful microorganisms, but also beneficial to the organism, tending to alter the pH of the vagina, encouraging the excessive acidity or too much alkalinity and facilitating the subsequent activation of the fungus candida. A similar situation of excessive acidity or alkalinity of the vaginal pH, congenial to the development of candidiasis, is determined by the use of oral contraceptives (birth control pills).

Infection through sexual intercourse: individuals carriers of the fungus can infect any time the partner during unprotected sex. The infection occurs more frequently especially from woman to man and woman to woman. Less easy is the transition of the disease from man to woman, as in infected human prostatic fluid is present only a small charge, insufficient to cause infection. To ensure that the infection is transmitted from man to woman are therefore needed in a variety of sex that increase the vaginal pH and the deposition of fungi by means of seminal fluid.

Situations of physiological traits: childhood, old age, pregnancy, menstruation, can promote the activation of candida, as it related to a situation of weakness of the human organism.

Other possible factors in the development of Candida albicans are related to a diet high in simple sugars, yeasts and molds, as well as the use of alcohol and the habit of not wearing underwear made ??of cotton and tight pants.

candida After effective prevention activities passes through the implementation of simple measures are useful to avoid the activation of the fungus candida. To this end it is appropriate, first, to provide a thorough hygiene of the genital tract, to be achieved by washing daily (in a not too frequent) the private parts with water and detergents specific (from the vagina to the anus, and not vice versa) .

It is also important not to share towels with other people, dry the genital and change the costume after you have taken a bath (candida prefers warm - humid environments), do not wear tight clothing or underwear is not cotton (as they prevent the transpiration), avoid frequent use of douches (potentially harmful to the internal pH), use the birth control pill with a lower dose of estrogen possible, check the power supply, reducing the intake of sugar, alcohol, carbohydrates, yeast and dairy products (produce fermentation, which in turn enhances the activity of fungi), increase, without exceeding, the consumption of yogurt (produced by lactic acid antagonists of the fungus of the candida albicans) and finally limit the use of cortisone and antibiotics.

methods to diagnose candida infection candida albicans are three.

Clinical method: based on a medical examination, preferably performed by a gynecologist.

Microscopic method: it allows to locate the filaments (hyphae) of Candida albicans by analyzing the microscope vaginal secretions.

Culture method: performed by means of a vaginal swab, consisting of a sampling of secretions through a cotton swab. The procedure allows isolating the yeast responsible of candidiasis in a culture environment, in order to identify the most effective antifungal (antimicogramma). The bacteriological analysis of genital secretions allows you to search and identify the microorganisms responsible for genital infections and sexually transmitted diseases.

Candida infection is also diagnosed by a Pap test.

Candidiasis is treated, generally, through antifungal drugs to be taken orally (imidazole or ciclopiroxolamine), for local use (creams, pessaries, douches and vaginal plugs, gel-based clotrimazole, econazole, itraconazole) or by injection (only in the most serious infection extended to the whole organism in relation to situations of significant immunosuppression). In the latter case it is of drugs such as amphotericin B, alone or in combination with the fluorocitosina.

In general, the local therapy (topical) is indicated in the initial stages of the disease and, however, produces satisfactory results in cases where candidiasis is represented by an isolated incident. Are not uncommon allergic reactions to the active ingredients of the product applied directly to the infected parts. In case of relapse, treatment is needed most incisive and widespread able to eliminate even the spores of the fungus candida albicans. The therapy based on the assumption of oral drugs has a variable duration from three days to a week depending on the characteristics of the infected subject, the type of medicine to be administered and the form of the infection

During drug treatment, you should use a condom during sexual intercourse, in order to reduce the possibility of infection between individuals.

It 'also important in cases of Candida vaginitis, which is also dealt with the partner to prevent transmission "circular" between stakeholders.

Candidiasis and related diseases
Candida often interacts with other harmful microorganisms such as, for example, Staphylococcus aureus in a relationship of mutual feeding and proliferation. The same negative synergy is found with the protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis, responsible for vaginal infections. In all these circumstances, the treatment of candida is more complex and making the complete healing slower and more difficult.

In general, candida infection is recurrent and tend to become chronic. In cases where the disease comes to affect the kidneys, lungs, brain or other internal organs can lead to serious systemic complications in immunocompromised or suffering from major diseases.

You can read the best candida cure in here

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