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The Biggest Loser Couples Recap | Episode 2

After last week’s disappointing loss of Lynn and Jennifer because of Lynn’s blatant disrespect for the process, I decided to step up and help Jennifer out. I put on my green tee-shirt, actually a green tee my son still had around from day camp four years ago, and got on my recumbent bike to be Jennifer’s play-at-home Biggest Loser Couple Buddy, she just doesn’t know it.
Aside from Jennifer and me, nine couples remain in the competition: Bernie & Brittany (Blue), Curtis & Mallory (Brown), Dan & Jackie (Orange), Jan & Mark (Black), Paul & Kelly (Yellow), Neil & Amanda (White), Maggie & Jenn (Purple), Roger & Trent (Gray) and Bette-Sue & Ali (Pink).


Bob and Jillian arrive to find that the green team has been eliminated. I must say, for the first time there was no reaction. They just kind of jumped right into the task at hand. They gathered the remaining players and inform them that they have decided to become the “Dynamic Duo” and intermix the training. Everyone is shocked. I’m not sure why, since I think it would be great to benefit from both trainer’s styles, but since I’m only playing at home anyway it doesn’t matter what I think. Bob tells the shocked crowd that there’s no telling what kind of weight loss they can achieve with the two of them. Jillian interviews that Bob is Mr. Yoga, with a gentler, kinder spirit, while she is a screamer, and doesn’t believe in coddling. Bob says that Jillian is just crazy, and he’s sure that there will be drama.
Under the new duo, the workouts are much more intense. So much so, that Bette-Sue loses her footing and falls off of her treadmill. Trooper that she is, she gets right back on it and finishes her workout, impressing both Bob and Jillian.

And probably Neil, who no doubt would have stayed on the floor. Allison steps in for a break from training, telling the players it’s time for the “Hall of Truth”, where they will confront the truth one more time. She says that they are each there because of food, and they need to confront it head on before they can move forward. Each team is sent into a small room where they are surrounded with larger than life screens of themselves during the interview process describing their daily diets. As they speak, the narrator spells out the caloric intake over a period of days, months and even a lifetime. For all of the contestants, it’s a rude awakening. Mallory and Curtis both break down and say that they are disgusted and embarrassed by the way they are killing themselves.

Back in the gym, the Orange Team (mother & son) laugh that Neil hasn’t broken a sweat because he moves so slowly. Neil interviews that he doesn’t want to burn himself out. He also whines about being homesick, like everyone else is. Amanda, his wife, says maybe she’s blind to Neil’s whining and lack of participation because she loves him. She even says that she doesn’t think he takes as many breaks as folks are saying he does. And with that comment, we cut to Neil leaning against the treadmill like he’s sorry can’t “fall off” of it now that Bette-Sue already has. Completely frustrated with him, Jillian yells at him to “get his ass on the treadmill.” She says that he must stay on the treadmill for one hour, or no one can leave the gym. After she counts to five, he doesn’t move and she pulls him aside for a talk. She admits that she is totally frustrated with him and asks him why he’s ever there. He says to get thin. She tells him that’s bull, and tells him to get it together.


The players are taken outside to a field full of see-saws. The team to reach 100 repetitions first wins two Biggest Loser calling cards for phone calls home to loved ones. Before they even start, Kelly (Yellow) complains about the tasks. Brittany (Blue) says she really wants the calling cards because she and her partner, Bernie, are the only team with no connection to their teammate and she really misses her mom. As Curtis (Brown) wonders how Mallory will lift him off of the ground, he thinks of how nice it would be to call his three daughters. The task begins, and the Black, Brown and Blue teams are neck and neck throughout. The White team barely moves (….Neil & Amanda) and the Gray team (Roger and Trent) has to stop when Trent jams his knee. Although the Black team wins, both the Brown and Blue teams finish the task for the sheer right to say they did so. Allison throws a twist in on the win: The Black team will be responsible for giving three other teams calling cards also, and all the calls must be made before the next weigh-in.


The Black team gives the cards to the Brown, Gray and White teams. They explain they hope a call home will be a wake up call for Neil and he’ll be stronger for his wife, Amanda, who is really trying to win the competition. They specify that they are fed up with Neil and the prize is basically for Amanda, hoping he’ll get his butt in gear. Neil says he didn’t think he was slacking, but he’ll try harder. The Blue team sourly interviews that they would have given the cards to the teams that finished the challenge.


The next day during the last chance workout, Neil tells Jillian he is going to take a break and call home. Jillian tells him not to get off of that treadmill. He says Jillian “can kiss his ass ‘cause he’s calling home.” Jillian tells him she’ll make sure the producers let him make the call later, but for now, he is going to work out. Amanda tells Jillian that she and Neil aren’t trying to skip out on the workout, but Jillian says the problem isn’t Amanda, it’s Neil. Neil is adamant that he’s making that call. Jillian tells him to meet her outside. I was expecting her open up a can of you-know-what off camera, but she asks him why he is so afraid to lose weight and stop hiding behind all the extra baggage. She says she is running out of options to help him, and he realizes just how dedicated she is and apologizes. He also thanks her for not giving up on him. And he gets back on the treadmill without making that call.

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