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Are You a Bad Date? Three Ways to Be a Buzz Kill

We've all probably got some bad date stories, but have you ever wondered if the bad date is you? Do you know that there are some subjects and behaviors that will almost guarantee that the evening won't be any fun for a guy? You probably know what makes you great, but are you aware of any reasons why you might not be getting a second date? Read on for three red flags that signal a bad date to many men.
Buzz kill #1 - You are too marriage-minded.
A first date is no time to settle your whole future life plans.
Some women are so intent on finding a husband that they really can't relax and have fun for an evening.
These women are focused on landing a man and reeling him in.
Ironically, they can send men running.
Instead, just think about making a new friend.
The worst that can happen is that you don't get along.
If you do, you can let the future take care of itself.
If you worry too much about it, though, you won't be a fun person to be around.
Buzz kill #2 - You are too concerned with status symbols.
Be aware of this one, especially if you date men with money.
Men are worried about being used, and any hint of the gold-digger will ruin your chances.
The nicer the guy, the more they might avoid women who think about material things as part of the dating package.
Do you want money and symbols, or do you want a real person? Are you impressed by cars, nice clothing, and expensive restaurants? You just might be a bad date, because a woman who is as much at home at a dive bar as at a nice restaurant is seen as a lot more fun and genuine.
If you discuss money during the evening, or hint at these concerns, why should he call you again? Buzz kill #3 - You are rude or negative.
Beware of the way you come across in conversation and other interactions.
If you complain about your job, your ex, or your boss, you might just think of it as sharing.
However, this can impress other people as negative and high-maintenance.
Being rude, to wait staff for example, is also a huge turn-off.
Avoid the appearance of being negative during a first meeting.
At the very least, be polite and pleasant.
There are a lot of dating options out there, for men as well as for women.
If you are a bad date, guys will simply move on.

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