Home & Garden Do It Yourself

Tips For Green Cleaning Your Meridian Parkside Apartment

There are several ways on how to start your spring cleaning and not thinking of using chemical based products in your Meridian Parkside apartment. Try to be environmental friendly for a change, go for alternative products that may cause no harm in your surroundings as well as your health.

Clean your newport news va apartments using all natural cleaning products that can be found in your kitchen. You'll never go wrong using these products. They have the same cleaning effect and results compared to the ones bought in the store with chemicals on it.

Here are some list of basic supplies that you need to start green cleaning your apartment:
1. baking soda

2. vinegar

3. salt

4. essential oils


The Basic recipe for your cleaning solution:

1. Combine 1/2 cup vinegar and baking soda to 2 liters of water. These mixture can clean your bathroom sinks,helps remove stains and dirt in your bathtub, shower and windows.

2. To clean your floor, mix 4 cups of vinegar with 2 liters of water and start  mopping the    floor using these mixture. You can add a few drops of lemonoil to quickly dissolve the smell of the vinegar.

3.If you want to clean your wood furniture, try mixing olive oil and lemon juice and gently rub it on the furniture. This will eliminate the scratches and make your furniture shine like brand new.

4.To eliminate molds and mild dew cause by cold weather and moist use vinegar to wipe them off.

5.Carpet stains can be removed with the use of vinegar mix with water. Place the mixture in a stray bottle to directly spray it on the stain. Wait for a couple minutes before you rinse and brush it with soap wand water.

6. A mix of baking soda, vinegar and lemon juice is a good air freshener. Can help deodorize and absorbs odor in your apartment.

7.Rub a lemon on your garbage disposal to deodorize.

8. To clean your kitchen counter top, mix vinegar,with baking soda and 4 parts of water . Use sponge to wipe away the dirt.

9.To remove rust , sprinkle some salt on the affected area with a squeeze of lemon juice and leave if for a few hours before rinsing it.

10.For unclogging kitchen and bathroom drains, mix 1/2 cup vinegar and 1/2 baking soda and pour directly on the drain. Pour  hot water after  a few minutes 
   to wash down the drain of your kitchen sink.

See to it that you clean everything from top to bottom. make your luxury apartments in newport news va spotless clean. Instead of buying expensive cleaning products in the supermarkets near you, switch to all natural cleaning solution to save you money and to avoid using toxic that can harm the environment and especially your health also it is a natural way to make your apartment smell better.

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