Mixing Paint For Outdoor Surfaces
The first step in mixing paint is to choose the formula that fits your requirements most closely.
At this time, decide whether the conditions of the job are so exceptional as to require modification of the formula.
If the wood to be painted is extremely resinous or extremely dry, then be sure to decrease or increase the proportion of linseed oil.
If the painting is to be done in localities close to the seacoast, 15% to 20% of zinc white should be added to white lead, reducing the amount of white lead accordingly.
The addition of zinc white prevents chalking of the paint, and makes a harder surface.
The secret of success in preparing paint is thorough mixing.
Both white lead and zinc white are commonly sold in the form of a paste, which consists of the mineral pigment, in addition to the linseed oil in which it was ground.
Such pastes are thick and heavy.
They require considerable effort to incorporate them with the other paint ingredients.
The most practical procedure is to secure a sturdy paddle and a container large enough to hold at least twice the amount to be mixed.
No matter how much paint you need, it is highly unadvisable to use a steam shower or bathtub for this purpose, as the bathtub drain would hinder your mixing capabilities.
There are vats created specifically for mixing paint, so it is recommended that you use those instead.
Transfer the white lead to your container, add a small amount of the linseed oil (about 1 pt.
to 100 lbs.
), and work the oil in thoroughly, by vigorous use of the paddle.
After the oil has been well incorporated in the lead, add another small amount of oil and proceed as before.
Continue working in this manner until a heavy, creamy paste, free from lumps, has been formed.
At this point the tinting colors are added, unless of course, the paint is to be white.
They are now prepared for mixing by adding to them a little linseed oil or turpentine, just enough to form a thin paste.
This color paste is then added slowly to the white-lead-linseed-oil paste, with thorough stirring after each addition of color.
It is important to take this precaution, as paint that is colored too intensely will take much white to lighten it.
If two or more tinting colors are used, add them in alternate installments, so it is easy to correct an excess of any one color.
This is especially ugly in elegant rooms, with a fixture such as a steam sauna or infrared sauna for infrared or steam sauna therapy.
After the white-lead-linseed-oil paste has been colored, add the drier slowly and stir it thoroughly.
Continue the stirring and add, in order, the balance of the linseed oil for in the formula, and finally the turpentine or other thinner.
The paint is now ready for straining.
Besides removing skins and other foreign substances, straining completely incorporates the pigment with the oil.
As a result the paint becomes finer and its brushing qualities are improved.
To strain the paint properly, tie a double thickness of cheesecloth over a clean empty pail.
Pour the paint over the cheesecloth, stirring it with a brush.
The paint will go through, leaving skins and dirt on the cloth.
If there is much un-dissolved matter resting at the bottom of the strainer, remove it with the brush to allow the paint to go through and proceed until all the paint is strained.
Remove the cheesecloth and the paint is ready for use on your new bathroom cabinet, bookshelf, bathroom vanity, or bathroom sink.
In case it has been decided to add zinc white to the formula, as recommended above for localities near the seacoast, be sure to break, up the zinc white paste in a separate container from the one used for breaking up the white lead.
This is necessary, because zinc paste requires more oil to thin it to working consistency.
After the two have been blended with the oil, they may be mixed together, and the other ingredients added as suggested for the preparation of white-lead paint.
In order to obtain a dead flat paint for interior finishes or enamel undercoat from white lead, substitute turpentine in place of oil for breaking up the lead.
Let this stand overnight.
The next day it will be found that the oil contained in the white lead will have risen to the top; pour off this oil, which will of course take the turpentine with it, and proceed to mix with fresh turpentine.
Though new technology and machines have made mixing a lot easier, it can still be a tedious process.
Having some sort of relaxation routine in swim spa or Jacuzzi can help ease your mind after you are done.
To obtain the best results in house painting, it is important to follow an order of work which has been found most practical.
The rule is to start painting at the highest point in this structure and to work downward.
If the roof is to be painted or stained, this job should be done first of all.
Then the body of the house is painted, and after that has been completed, the windows, railings, posts, trim, and doors are painted.
The porch floors and steps are left until the last.
If the cornice is beaded or carved, it should be painted before the body of the house, to avoid soiling the new work.
The remote parts of porch railings and fences should be painted before coating the outer facings.
At this time, decide whether the conditions of the job are so exceptional as to require modification of the formula.
If the wood to be painted is extremely resinous or extremely dry, then be sure to decrease or increase the proportion of linseed oil.
If the painting is to be done in localities close to the seacoast, 15% to 20% of zinc white should be added to white lead, reducing the amount of white lead accordingly.
The addition of zinc white prevents chalking of the paint, and makes a harder surface.
The secret of success in preparing paint is thorough mixing.
Both white lead and zinc white are commonly sold in the form of a paste, which consists of the mineral pigment, in addition to the linseed oil in which it was ground.
Such pastes are thick and heavy.
They require considerable effort to incorporate them with the other paint ingredients.
The most practical procedure is to secure a sturdy paddle and a container large enough to hold at least twice the amount to be mixed.
No matter how much paint you need, it is highly unadvisable to use a steam shower or bathtub for this purpose, as the bathtub drain would hinder your mixing capabilities.
There are vats created specifically for mixing paint, so it is recommended that you use those instead.
Transfer the white lead to your container, add a small amount of the linseed oil (about 1 pt.
to 100 lbs.
), and work the oil in thoroughly, by vigorous use of the paddle.
After the oil has been well incorporated in the lead, add another small amount of oil and proceed as before.
Continue working in this manner until a heavy, creamy paste, free from lumps, has been formed.
At this point the tinting colors are added, unless of course, the paint is to be white.
They are now prepared for mixing by adding to them a little linseed oil or turpentine, just enough to form a thin paste.
This color paste is then added slowly to the white-lead-linseed-oil paste, with thorough stirring after each addition of color.
It is important to take this precaution, as paint that is colored too intensely will take much white to lighten it.
If two or more tinting colors are used, add them in alternate installments, so it is easy to correct an excess of any one color.
This is especially ugly in elegant rooms, with a fixture such as a steam sauna or infrared sauna for infrared or steam sauna therapy.
After the white-lead-linseed-oil paste has been colored, add the drier slowly and stir it thoroughly.
Continue the stirring and add, in order, the balance of the linseed oil for in the formula, and finally the turpentine or other thinner.
The paint is now ready for straining.
Besides removing skins and other foreign substances, straining completely incorporates the pigment with the oil.
As a result the paint becomes finer and its brushing qualities are improved.
To strain the paint properly, tie a double thickness of cheesecloth over a clean empty pail.
Pour the paint over the cheesecloth, stirring it with a brush.
The paint will go through, leaving skins and dirt on the cloth.
If there is much un-dissolved matter resting at the bottom of the strainer, remove it with the brush to allow the paint to go through and proceed until all the paint is strained.
Remove the cheesecloth and the paint is ready for use on your new bathroom cabinet, bookshelf, bathroom vanity, or bathroom sink.
In case it has been decided to add zinc white to the formula, as recommended above for localities near the seacoast, be sure to break, up the zinc white paste in a separate container from the one used for breaking up the white lead.
This is necessary, because zinc paste requires more oil to thin it to working consistency.
After the two have been blended with the oil, they may be mixed together, and the other ingredients added as suggested for the preparation of white-lead paint.
In order to obtain a dead flat paint for interior finishes or enamel undercoat from white lead, substitute turpentine in place of oil for breaking up the lead.
Let this stand overnight.
The next day it will be found that the oil contained in the white lead will have risen to the top; pour off this oil, which will of course take the turpentine with it, and proceed to mix with fresh turpentine.
Though new technology and machines have made mixing a lot easier, it can still be a tedious process.
Having some sort of relaxation routine in swim spa or Jacuzzi can help ease your mind after you are done.
To obtain the best results in house painting, it is important to follow an order of work which has been found most practical.
The rule is to start painting at the highest point in this structure and to work downward.
If the roof is to be painted or stained, this job should be done first of all.
Then the body of the house is painted, and after that has been completed, the windows, railings, posts, trim, and doors are painted.
The porch floors and steps are left until the last.
If the cornice is beaded or carved, it should be painted before the body of the house, to avoid soiling the new work.
The remote parts of porch railings and fences should be painted before coating the outer facings.