Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

What to Use to Get an Oil Stain Off a Cement Driveway

    Kitty Litter

    • Kitty litter has a strong absorbing agent that quickly pulls oil stains out of concrete. When a spill occurs, spread a thick layer of kitty litter over the stain, and let sit for a few hours. Then, simply use a broom to sweep up the kitty litter, and the stain should be greatly diminished and most times gone completely. Keep a small bag of kitty litter on hand for these spills -- any brand will do, as all kitty litters have this absorbing agent.

    Baking Soda

    • Baking soda also works as both an absorbing agent and a deodorizer. When an oil spill occurs, pour a thick layer of baking soda onto the stain, and let sit for 30 minutes. Then, use a scrub brush to scrub the baking soda into the oil stain, which will collect any leftover oil residue. Then, rinse the driveway with a garden hose to remove any leftover oil or baking soda residue.

    Dish Detergent

    • Powdered dish detergent also works well to absorb oil spills, and preventing oil from setting into the concrete. When a spill occurs, cover the spill with a thick layer of liquid dish detergent, then add a few drops of water and scrub the detergent into the concrete with a hard brush. Rinse with the garden hose to remove any additional residue, and your concrete driveway will remain stain-free.

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