Tanning Is Changing
Tanning is becoming taboo, as well it should be! The sun is killing skin cells and causing skin cancer in epidemic proportions. Sure, people attribute this to our own indiscretions, such as depleting the Earth's ozone layer and global warming. It is necessary to focus directly on saving our own skin from this damage before we can change the world. Tanning is never a good idea.
Tanning Can Ruin One's Life
Tanning makes the skin look great! It gives people that healthy glow of having been outside. It even helps to hide body flaws such as cellulite and stretch marks! This is why so many people are still laying in tanning beds or out on the beach without the proper protection. Some of these people will never experience the horrible effects of tanning, while others will be truly horrified as they realize what tanning has done to them.
Tanning may appear wonderful for a while. Then, as people age, they will develop sunspots and dark freckles. Moles can turn cancerous and skin cancer can appear seemingly out of nowhere. Many people go untreated for skin cancer because they are unaware that they have it. It may be in a spot rarely seen, such as on their back, or they may pass it off as a simple mole until it is too late. Skin cancer is just as serious as any other cancer. It can spread. It is not limited to just the skin.
Other Negative Effects of Tanning
Skin cancer is the worst possible outcome of tanning. There are other worries that should be considered as well. Too much sun exposure can cause wrinkles as well as those sunspots and freckles. While these are not life threatening, they are not particularly attractive. People that have heavily tanned their entire life can end up with skin that feels thick and looks leathery. This is definitely not a nice, healthy glow.
Tanning that is Safe
Safe tanning? Is it possible? No, not tanning in the sense that most people consider. However, people can now fake that healthy glow by using self-tanners. Many people have avoided these products because of previous hype about an uneven tan, orange skin, and blotchiness. This definitely did occur with the older generation of self-tanning products. This is not the case with newer products made today.
Tanning is a business and stores are popping up everywhere that offers spray-on tans. This is a great idea for someone that can afford it and is willing to go and strip down in order to be sprayed. Everyone else can purchase self-tanning products to achieve just the right color.
Choosing the Right Self-Tanning Product
It is important to choose a self-tanning product that is safe for the skin. It should also work well with the individual's skin tone. This can keep the skin from taking on that unnatural, orange affect. In addition, the directions should be easy to follow and the product should be easy to apply. Some products are even offering the ability of a gradual tan. This looks more natural. The product is applied regularly and darkens the skin slightly with each application. This is a wonderful way to fake a tan.
Ultimately, tanning is a personal choice. It is important that everyone be well informed of the potential hazards that tanning can cause. People that care enough about their skin will choose to use a self-tanning product and apply sunscreen every day that they are out in the sun. It is better to have a fake tan than to develop premature wrinkles, dark spots, and even skin cancer. Too much sun exposure can end a person's life. It is easier, not to mention healthier, to tan one's skin by using the right self-tanner! This is healthier and produces the same results as tanning by exposure to the sun.
Tanning Can Ruin One's Life
Tanning makes the skin look great! It gives people that healthy glow of having been outside. It even helps to hide body flaws such as cellulite and stretch marks! This is why so many people are still laying in tanning beds or out on the beach without the proper protection. Some of these people will never experience the horrible effects of tanning, while others will be truly horrified as they realize what tanning has done to them.
Tanning may appear wonderful for a while. Then, as people age, they will develop sunspots and dark freckles. Moles can turn cancerous and skin cancer can appear seemingly out of nowhere. Many people go untreated for skin cancer because they are unaware that they have it. It may be in a spot rarely seen, such as on their back, or they may pass it off as a simple mole until it is too late. Skin cancer is just as serious as any other cancer. It can spread. It is not limited to just the skin.
Other Negative Effects of Tanning
Skin cancer is the worst possible outcome of tanning. There are other worries that should be considered as well. Too much sun exposure can cause wrinkles as well as those sunspots and freckles. While these are not life threatening, they are not particularly attractive. People that have heavily tanned their entire life can end up with skin that feels thick and looks leathery. This is definitely not a nice, healthy glow.
Tanning that is Safe
Safe tanning? Is it possible? No, not tanning in the sense that most people consider. However, people can now fake that healthy glow by using self-tanners. Many people have avoided these products because of previous hype about an uneven tan, orange skin, and blotchiness. This definitely did occur with the older generation of self-tanning products. This is not the case with newer products made today.
Tanning is a business and stores are popping up everywhere that offers spray-on tans. This is a great idea for someone that can afford it and is willing to go and strip down in order to be sprayed. Everyone else can purchase self-tanning products to achieve just the right color.
Choosing the Right Self-Tanning Product
It is important to choose a self-tanning product that is safe for the skin. It should also work well with the individual's skin tone. This can keep the skin from taking on that unnatural, orange affect. In addition, the directions should be easy to follow and the product should be easy to apply. Some products are even offering the ability of a gradual tan. This looks more natural. The product is applied regularly and darkens the skin slightly with each application. This is a wonderful way to fake a tan.
Ultimately, tanning is a personal choice. It is important that everyone be well informed of the potential hazards that tanning can cause. People that care enough about their skin will choose to use a self-tanning product and apply sunscreen every day that they are out in the sun. It is better to have a fake tan than to develop premature wrinkles, dark spots, and even skin cancer. Too much sun exposure can end a person's life. It is easier, not to mention healthier, to tan one's skin by using the right self-tanner! This is healthier and produces the same results as tanning by exposure to the sun.