Health & Medical Body building

Go To Gym To Lose Weight

I remember my friend who was recently taking gym lessons very seriously. He went to the gym thrice a week after his working hours for three months and from 180 lbs he successfully lost 15 lbs. With his new weight of 165 lbs, which really should be his normal weight, he said he did feel great, light and healthy by going to the gym.

Many people nowadays are making gym workouts a hobby just as more and more fitness gyms are opening in town. This is simply a good implication that people are getting more health conscious, not to mention figure conscious. Sometimes even men and women who do not actually need to lose weight still go to the gym to tone their bodies wanting to have a body like the super model in the magazine.

One very important thing to effectively lose weight by going to the gym is doing it on a regular basis. It needs commitment and consistency in doing the workout routines righteously. A schedule of two hours every day with moderate to vigorous gym activities can successfully bring a model-like body in no time.

Like my friend has said, he felt great, light and healthy while going to the gym. This is because more than the promise of weight loss, gym routines improves overall health, fitness and balance. Consider trying these workouts in the gym for a quick weight loss:

Beginner squat in a squat position, hold dumbbells in both hands, slowly bend the knees to lower the body and give emphasis to muscles at your back, legs, and butt.

Machine Lateral Pull Down using the lateral machine, this exercise works to enhance your biceps and forearms muscles, and give strength to your back.

Barbell Bench Press support the barbell with both hands while lowering and lifting it above your chest. This exercise works well for strengthening the chest, shoulders and triceps.

Bulgarian Split Squat slowly lower the body in a squat position while resting the barbell on your upper back and one foot rests on a bench. This targets the legs, abs and quadriceps.

One Arm Row one arm and one knee pressed on a bench while the other arm is pulling the dumbbell up and down and the other leg is stretched on the floor. This brings emphasis on the back, arm, and leg muscles.

Abs Crunch on a Ball let your spine follow the curve of the ball while curling up and down; head and neck holding up, and both hands crossed into your chest. This exercise develops strength of the abdomen and helps improve balance.

Bar Military Press sit with your back on a bench, hold dumbbells with both hands and pull it up and down. This is an effective shoulder-building workout.

With these simple gym exercises you can be confident you are doing a healthy weight loss program that would surely satisfy whatever goal weight you desire.

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