Warning, Do Not Do These to Get Your Ex Back - Deadly Mistakes That Will Repel Your Ex Away Forever!
Before you even think about getting your ex back, I warn you to read this.
If you do not know this your ex will be repelled away, and you will make the situation worse.
Here are the things that you must avoid at all costs if you want to get your ex love back.
The following things will definitely destroy your chances if you do them again, without proper follow up, and consideration: 1- Needy and obsessive behavior such as constantly calling or telling them you love them.
Your ex wants space, and when you cannot even give them that, they will consider that you cannot give them anything else they want either.
2-Begging and or pleading.
Begging and pleading makes you look desperate, and weak.
Your ex wants to see you in high spirits, strong, and capable.
3- Stalking or constantly following your ex around, in real life, on-line, or through other means such asking their friends about them always.
This will come across as your insecurity to trust them; and your ex will not want to be with someone who cannot trust them.
4-Threatening; either to harm yourself or something related to them.
This tactic will not get your ex back, but will rather scare them far away.
You broke up with a lot of hurt, the last thing your ex wants is more chance of pain.
5-Showing you are depressed, down, or have fallen extremely low since the breakup.
You ex will not be impressed to see that you cannot even function in life now; the relationship wasn't functioning and this was why you broke up, when you show that you cannot function now either; they will then leave to find someone who can function.
6- Swearing that things will be different, by offering anything and everything, even things you wouldn't want to do; alongside apologizing over and over.
Saying sorry over and over, will not get your ex back; they would believe you are just saying it; and they do not want you to become someone you are not either.
Arguing, either about past things, or about why your Ex should take you back again.
Your ex has had enough of arguing, that's why you broke up! They do not want to be forced to believe to take you back, when you argue it just appears like you are trying to tell your ex that they have no other choice.
If you do not know this your ex will be repelled away, and you will make the situation worse.
Here are the things that you must avoid at all costs if you want to get your ex love back.
The following things will definitely destroy your chances if you do them again, without proper follow up, and consideration: 1- Needy and obsessive behavior such as constantly calling or telling them you love them.
Your ex wants space, and when you cannot even give them that, they will consider that you cannot give them anything else they want either.
2-Begging and or pleading.
Begging and pleading makes you look desperate, and weak.
Your ex wants to see you in high spirits, strong, and capable.
3- Stalking or constantly following your ex around, in real life, on-line, or through other means such asking their friends about them always.
This will come across as your insecurity to trust them; and your ex will not want to be with someone who cannot trust them.
4-Threatening; either to harm yourself or something related to them.
This tactic will not get your ex back, but will rather scare them far away.
You broke up with a lot of hurt, the last thing your ex wants is more chance of pain.
5-Showing you are depressed, down, or have fallen extremely low since the breakup.
You ex will not be impressed to see that you cannot even function in life now; the relationship wasn't functioning and this was why you broke up, when you show that you cannot function now either; they will then leave to find someone who can function.
6- Swearing that things will be different, by offering anything and everything, even things you wouldn't want to do; alongside apologizing over and over.
Saying sorry over and over, will not get your ex back; they would believe you are just saying it; and they do not want you to become someone you are not either.
Arguing, either about past things, or about why your Ex should take you back again.
Your ex has had enough of arguing, that's why you broke up! They do not want to be forced to believe to take you back, when you argue it just appears like you are trying to tell your ex that they have no other choice.