What Are the Padlocks on "Aggressive Inline" on PS2?
- At the start of the level skate onto the right road. Take the exit on the right to the parking lot. Go through the metal door that opens near the left of the yellow car. Skate to the end of the hallway then turn left and enter the warehouse. Go over the launch ramp, then go up the slope to the left. At the top turn left to see the key floating nearby. Turn to the right and skate to the rail. Grind the rail and jump at the end to collect the key.
- At the start of the level skate to the road and across to the other side. Enter the room under the clock and use the quarter pipe to launch up into the room above. Smash through the glass in the small room to enter the train station. Ride over the spine ramp in front, then grind the high rail on either side of the path. Grind the rail and crash through the glass at the other end to arrive in a secret room with the key.
- At the start of the level go through the first door on the right. Go through the next door in front to enter the junkyard, then turn left and go to the quarter pipe. Launch left to land on the quarter pipe above. Launch off the higher quarter pipe and grind the wire left. Near the end of the wire, jump off to the left and collect the key.
- At the start of the level ride over the green spine ramp. After landing, turn right and go along the left side of the octopus bowl. Turn right after octopus bowl and go past the ticket office to the large skull. Go through the gate in the skull and follow the tunnel along. At the end of the tunnel, turn right. At the end of the second tunnel, follow the path right to see a waterfall up on the right with a key inside it. Jump into the waterfall to collect the key.