Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

4 Secrets of the Alpha Male Body Language - Attract Women Without Saying a Word

Consciously or unconsciously, we humans are able to detect a lot about a person by his or her nonverbal communication, also known as body language.
Depending on the study conducted, body language comprises 60% to 65% of all interpersonal communication and can constitute 100% of communication during lovemaking.
Being well versed in the art of reading and expressing alpha male body language is particularly important in the dating arena.
Women are far better at reading body language than us men and your physical body may be communicating things to women that you have never thought about before, things that might be KILLING her attraction for you.
Here's my simple 4 step system to convey alpha male body language traits that naturally attract quality women: Posture A tall, confident, relaxed posture is key to conveying high status.
In order to feel natural, try to look natural first.
No need to stand straight as a board, but you should stand tall and look relaxed.
Your shoulders should be pulled back with your chest slightly pushed out.
Your head should be relaxed and pulled up a bit higher that you might be used to.
This will physically make you taller and will convey a high level of status and perceived confidence.
Take Up Space As a general rule, your body should be relaxed and open.
Try not to cross your arms or keep them hidden in your pockets or under the table.
Your arms should be relaxed and by your side.
If you're sitting down, feel free to spread one of your arms over the sofa or the empty chair beside you.
When you stand, make sure your feet are spread apart a little farther than usual.
This will help you look more masculine and dominant.
Slow Down Deliberately make all of your movements a little slower than usual.
Walk a little slower and speak more clearly.
Pause a second or two before responding to a question.
Fast erratic behaviors convey insecurity.
Stay cool.
This is perhaps the single most important thing you can do to convey that you are a high status male.
Slowing down your body will also have a calming effect on your mind.
Be cool with your body language, and the mind will follow suit.
Learn to Identify Status On top of conveying the right alpha male signals through body language, you need to be able to identify social status by other people's body language.
As you begin to learn this stuff, you'll see little cues.
For example, check out a couple who are obviously on their first date.
Maybe the woman will be sitting there with her arms crossed with her eyes wandering and the man will be smiling and leaning in, trying to get her attention.
Once you learn to recognize these cues, you'll begin to understand just how important your non-verbal communication is and how a few body language secrets can instantly boost your attractiveness to women.

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