Home & Garden Pest Control

How to Deal With the Smell of Dead Mice

So you're one of those unfortunate few whose humble abode has been affected by the smell of dead mice.
It's a hideous smell that seems like it will never go away.
How could something so horrible ever fade away as a distant memory?  You might even be thinking of moving to a hotel!!  I can't say that I blame you, but there is hope.
I'm sure you've tried everything under the son to get rid of the stench.
How many candles have you lit?  Where's the potpourri?  If that's your idea of dealing with the smell, it's not going to work.
  This will merely mask it, and I'm guessing if you're reading this...
It probably didn't work so well.
How do you deal with this problem? This may seem obvious, but you have to get rid of the dead mouse.
I'm not saying that to be funny either.
  As long as there is decay, it will stink.
  Easy as that.
Even after handling the dead mouse, you may still be left with a smell because your furniture, carpet, walls, whatever absorbed the pungent odor.
  Don't buy something to mask the smell, eliminate it.
What happens if you can't find the dead mouse?  Hate to say it, but you're going to have to outlast it.
  When the mouse is completely dried out, the stench will eventually fade.
  Depending on the rate of decay though, this can take weeks, maybe even months.
  Again, don't try to mask the smell.
  Get an odor eliminator.
  What sets the two apart is that an odor eliminator will bond with the smell and neutralize it before it reaches your nose, whereas a perfume simply mixes with the odor...
at that point who knows which is worse?  Dying mouse or dying mouse with ridiculously over done perfume? In conclusion, it's two simple steps.
  Remove the source.
  Eliminate (not mask) the odor.

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