Home & Garden Gardening

Two Late Flowering Autumn Perennial Plants

Two perennial plants which create an attractive display in the autumn garden are the Japanese anemone and the perennial phlox.
The perennial phlox is one of the most useful plants in the garden.
Whilst phloxes will grow happily in almost any soil, they will repay deep digging and rich feeding by producing gorgeous flowers.
During any period of dryness they will be helped by soaking the soil around them and by the use of well-rotted manure or garden compost which will help feed the plants and retain moisture.
Perennial phloxes will benefit from being lifted and divided every two to three years.
If this task is neglected, the flowers will become progressively smaller each year.
Phloxes have the advantage that they can be grown outdoors or in pots.
If grown in a 5-6 inch pot, they will flower the first year and after flowering they can be put out into the flower bed or border where, with the usual care, they will flourish the following year.
Phloxes produce abundant seed which can be saved from the best specimens in the autumn and sown in gentle heat the following February.
The Japanese anemone, also known as the windflower, produces a fine display of flowers in the autumn, and since they are very hardy plants which grow well in dry, partially shaded areas, they are invaluable plants for those difficult areas of the garden.
There are two colours of Japanese anemone: white and pink.
The pure white flower with its contrasting yellow centre will brighten any garden and the pink variety has large, handsome and double flowers.
Both varieties grow two to three feet high and have a dark green foliage.
They are such easy plants to grow needing virtually no maintenance and are easily propagated from root cuttings.
When you have enough Japanese anemones in the garden to spare, they make excellent cut flowers for your home.

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