Leptorexin Diet Pill
Leptorexin is a weight loss supplement that claims by taking it you will "Lose 7 Pounds Every 7 Days Effortlessly".
The first thing you will notice about Leptorexin is lengthy list of ingredients; there are about 50 ingredients in this supplement.
Leptorexin claims it will not only help you lose weight but it will also detox your body, eliminate acne, feel euphoric, suppress appetite, and build muscle.
That is great if you are looking for all of those things, but what if you just want to lose weight? Just what is in Leptorexin? The list is long and we could probably write a book with information on each ingredient.
Leptorexin contains 6 "Keys" which, according to their website, are: 1.
Vitamins & Mineral blend - Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6, Chromium Polynicontinate, Selenium 2.
Motivation & Hunger - Chocamine, Di-Caffeine Malate, Rhodiola Rosea, St.
John's Wort, L-Tyrosine, Picamilon, Phenylalanine, hops, Phenylethylamine (PEA), Synephrine, Ginkgo, Siberian Ginseng, Ginger, 5-HTP, and Vinpocetine 3.
Superfoods - Barley, Garlic, Cayenne, Buckwheat, Soybeans, Flaxseed, Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Wheatgrass, Acai, and alfalfa.
These ingredients supposedly help in eliminating acne.
Lean Muscle Matrix - Forslean, L-Glutamine, Creatine Monohydrate, L-Arginine, Avena Sativa, Mucuna Pruniens, Ipriflavone, Ecdysterone 5.
Body & liver detox - dandelion root, milk thistle, licorice, cranberry, uva ursi, and sage 6.
Anti Aging matrix - green tea, DMAE, acetyl-L-Carnitine, and alpha lipoic acid While the ingredients are all listed, there are no specific amounts listed for any of the ingredients.
This is your standard "proprietary blend" that we see a lot in the diet pill industry.
It's completely out of the ordinary for companies not to use a proprietary blend these days, so we have a hard time making it count against anyone.
(That being said, there are a few companies that disclose everything, so we do give special consideration to those).
Because Leptorexin contains a whole slew of ingredients, you're going to be dealing with multiple pills.
Don't let this be a huge deterrent to you unless you have a hard time swallowing pills.
What would worry me more is if Leptorexin were to list all of these ingredients and then only require one or two pills as the dosage...
that would smell like a scam.
What does the Research say about Leptorexin? Well, there has been no research done on Leptorexin itself, only on some of the individual ingredients.
Several of the ingredients have been proven effective in weight loss, specifically Forslean and green tea.
However, many of the ingredients are a bit disputed in their effectiveness, including 5-HTP and DMAE.
Many of the other ingredients have not been researched enough to determine their effectiveness.
Although some ingredients do have clinical backing, it is impossible to say whether or not these ingredients are effective in Leptorexin because the amounts of the ingredients are not disclosed.
Several ingredients are included as mood enhancers (including PEA and DMAE).
PEA has been clinically proven to promote energy and elevate mood.
org/cgi/content/abstract/7/1/6 The Leptorexin Website Claims: "Recent Clinical studies prove the Effectiveness of 2 ingredients in the Leptorexin Lean Muscle Matrix: 1) Seventy-eight highly trained athletes were given either placebo, protein, or a key ingredient in Leptorexin + protein.
The combination of Leptorexin's ingredient and protein resulted in up to a 13% reduction in body fat and a 6% to 7% increase in muscle tissue.
This was within a period of only 10 days.
2) University study on another PATENTED ingredient in Leptorexin shows test subjects lost 9.
9 lbs of body FAT on average in the course of 12 weeks.
They were also able to GAIN Lean Muscle Tissue thus greatly increasing their metabolic rate and likelihood of long term success.
" It is interesting that not only does Leptorexin fail to say which ingredients were tested, but they also fail to give any concrete evidence on when the studies were done or who conducted the studies.
Leptorexin Marketing Leptorexin does most of the marketing by word of mouth.
This is actually a very positive sign, since you can be assured that consumers won't refer their friends to an ineffective product.
They do not have a customer service phone number, only an email address.
On the up side, they do have a "Lifetime Money Back Guarantee".
All you have to do is return your empty bottle (because they want you to try an entire bottle before returning it) and any unopened bottles for a "quick refund" minus shipping and handling.
How Much Does Leptorexin Cost? Leptorexin normally costs $99.
95 per bottle (a one month supply) but you can get a big discount if you buy direct.
Leptorexin Review Conclusion Leptorexin does a good job at covering all the bases.
By focusing on the ingredients key ingredients that are pretty pricey you are sure to see some great benefits.
With a lifetime moneyback guarantee, it may be worth a shot but, of course, that's ultimately up for you to decide.
The first thing you will notice about Leptorexin is lengthy list of ingredients; there are about 50 ingredients in this supplement.
Leptorexin claims it will not only help you lose weight but it will also detox your body, eliminate acne, feel euphoric, suppress appetite, and build muscle.
That is great if you are looking for all of those things, but what if you just want to lose weight? Just what is in Leptorexin? The list is long and we could probably write a book with information on each ingredient.
Leptorexin contains 6 "Keys" which, according to their website, are: 1.
Vitamins & Mineral blend - Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6, Chromium Polynicontinate, Selenium 2.
Motivation & Hunger - Chocamine, Di-Caffeine Malate, Rhodiola Rosea, St.
John's Wort, L-Tyrosine, Picamilon, Phenylalanine, hops, Phenylethylamine (PEA), Synephrine, Ginkgo, Siberian Ginseng, Ginger, 5-HTP, and Vinpocetine 3.
Superfoods - Barley, Garlic, Cayenne, Buckwheat, Soybeans, Flaxseed, Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Wheatgrass, Acai, and alfalfa.
These ingredients supposedly help in eliminating acne.
Lean Muscle Matrix - Forslean, L-Glutamine, Creatine Monohydrate, L-Arginine, Avena Sativa, Mucuna Pruniens, Ipriflavone, Ecdysterone 5.
Body & liver detox - dandelion root, milk thistle, licorice, cranberry, uva ursi, and sage 6.
Anti Aging matrix - green tea, DMAE, acetyl-L-Carnitine, and alpha lipoic acid While the ingredients are all listed, there are no specific amounts listed for any of the ingredients.
This is your standard "proprietary blend" that we see a lot in the diet pill industry.
It's completely out of the ordinary for companies not to use a proprietary blend these days, so we have a hard time making it count against anyone.
(That being said, there are a few companies that disclose everything, so we do give special consideration to those).
Because Leptorexin contains a whole slew of ingredients, you're going to be dealing with multiple pills.
Don't let this be a huge deterrent to you unless you have a hard time swallowing pills.
What would worry me more is if Leptorexin were to list all of these ingredients and then only require one or two pills as the dosage...
that would smell like a scam.
What does the Research say about Leptorexin? Well, there has been no research done on Leptorexin itself, only on some of the individual ingredients.
Several of the ingredients have been proven effective in weight loss, specifically Forslean and green tea.
However, many of the ingredients are a bit disputed in their effectiveness, including 5-HTP and DMAE.
Many of the other ingredients have not been researched enough to determine their effectiveness.
Although some ingredients do have clinical backing, it is impossible to say whether or not these ingredients are effective in Leptorexin because the amounts of the ingredients are not disclosed.
Several ingredients are included as mood enhancers (including PEA and DMAE).
PEA has been clinically proven to promote energy and elevate mood.
org/cgi/content/abstract/7/1/6 The Leptorexin Website Claims: "Recent Clinical studies prove the Effectiveness of 2 ingredients in the Leptorexin Lean Muscle Matrix: 1) Seventy-eight highly trained athletes were given either placebo, protein, or a key ingredient in Leptorexin + protein.
The combination of Leptorexin's ingredient and protein resulted in up to a 13% reduction in body fat and a 6% to 7% increase in muscle tissue.
This was within a period of only 10 days.
2) University study on another PATENTED ingredient in Leptorexin shows test subjects lost 9.
9 lbs of body FAT on average in the course of 12 weeks.
They were also able to GAIN Lean Muscle Tissue thus greatly increasing their metabolic rate and likelihood of long term success.
" It is interesting that not only does Leptorexin fail to say which ingredients were tested, but they also fail to give any concrete evidence on when the studies were done or who conducted the studies.
Leptorexin Marketing Leptorexin does most of the marketing by word of mouth.
This is actually a very positive sign, since you can be assured that consumers won't refer their friends to an ineffective product.
They do not have a customer service phone number, only an email address.
On the up side, they do have a "Lifetime Money Back Guarantee".
All you have to do is return your empty bottle (because they want you to try an entire bottle before returning it) and any unopened bottles for a "quick refund" minus shipping and handling.
How Much Does Leptorexin Cost? Leptorexin normally costs $99.
95 per bottle (a one month supply) but you can get a big discount if you buy direct.
Leptorexin Review Conclusion Leptorexin does a good job at covering all the bases.
By focusing on the ingredients key ingredients that are pretty pricey you are sure to see some great benefits.
With a lifetime moneyback guarantee, it may be worth a shot but, of course, that's ultimately up for you to decide.