How to Get White Trinity Ability
- 1). Play through the game until you have completed Neverland. After you do this, you will be able to fly to Hollow Bastion, the last of the mystery worlds and the world adjacent to Neverland.
- 2). Enter Hollow Bastion and move forward from the beginning area. Jump from platform to platform until a cut scene begins. Watch this scene and then jump onto the moving platform to the left and ride it to the castle's entrance.
- 3). Run past the enemies that appear and go through the gates immediately to your right. Examine the glowing red crystal, examine the blue crystal and then ride the platform down. Jump into the bubble on the right.
- 4). Save your game and then have Beast break through the wall. Ride the bubble into this room. Release the switches in the next room as you find them to open a passage to a bubble and then ride the bubble to the next area.
- 5). Release the switch to ride a platform to a dead-end hallway. Let Beast defeat the monster that appears and then release the switch. This will open the castle gates that were locked before. Backtrack to the castle gates.
- 6). Enter the castle's doors to see a cut scene with Maleficent. After the scene is over, you must fight Riku. After you defeat him, you will acquire the White Trinity Ability.