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Fertility and the Butterfly Effect

Did you hear about the butterfly effect? Wikipedia describes the Butterfly Effect as a phrase that encapsulates the more technical notion of sensitive dependence on initial conditions in chaos theory.
Small variations of the initial condition of a dynamical system may produce large variations in the long term behavior of the system.
) Talking about fertility, any change in the initial conditions can bring to success in getting pregnant.
Smoking, caffeine, alcohol, overweight, stress, excessive exercise, poor diet, and other causes that may result in infertility, all have a certain amount of influence on the outcome.
The use of the butterfly effect in fertility is divided to two parts.
The first part is cutting the habits that lower the chances for pregnancy and the other part is adding to what increase the chances of getting pregnant.
It is one thing to remove the causes of infertility but it is a completely different thing to do things that promote fertility.
In our minds, stopping to do something is passive and does not require commitment.
That means that quit smoking is considered by our minds as something that does not create the required commitment to getting pregnant.
You need not only stop doing old things - You must start doing new things that reflect your commitment to achieve your goal.
I mentioned above what to avoid, but what to do to promote fertility? First - Relax! A recent research shows that increased levels of stress and tension may lead to reducing the infertility in women after the breach of they Menstrual cycle, and even in some cases to prevent the egg left completely.
Eat right! Healthy foods help preparing your body for pregnancy.
Foods with lots of vitamin C, E, A and B will also help.
Foods with minerals like Selenium and Zink, all improve fertility.
I discussed this is one of my previous emails, titled "Eating to Conceive".
Drink fresh water! The most important thing you can do to improve your fertility is probably to drink lots of fresh water.
Our body is made of 70% water and by drinking over 2 liters (64 ounces), we can help our body clean itself from toxics, which in turn, which in turns helps to boost the immune system.
Keep in mind that most of the above relates to both women and men.
) Original Wikipedia article is here: http://en.

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