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Increasing Web Site Traffic with 5 Easy Strategies

Unfortunately, most new entrepreneurs and veterans to online business will struggle with increasing web site traffic. They are led in the wrong direction usually by their upline. They are taught old techniques, such as, get your friends and family involved or buy a bunch of leads. These techniques were created before the age of the internet. With the internet now in full blast you need up to date online marketing techniques to take advantage of this massive market. The most important part to marketing online is learning modern day techniques for increasing web site traffic. Once this step is mastered there is no stopping your success with any business. There are many strategies to use when increasing web site traffic. Here are the top 5 ways for increasing web site traffic and generate leads for your business.

1. Learn to master article marketing!

One of the best ways to create an online presence and improve web site traffic is article marketing. Article marketing is simply writing down your thoughts and opinions on a subject to share with the online community. This article you are reading now is a form of article marketing. With This marketing strategy if done properly can help improve web site traffic forever. This strategy can be implemented successfully with little to no money or it can be outsourced.

2. Forget about the Press! Put out your own Press Releases.

Press release marketing can be one of the most effective ways to improve web site traffic and generate leads for a website. The reason it is so effective is Google feels they have more value then other content and will rank a press release higher in the search results. Press releases are different from article marketing due to the format. A press release should be formatted in the third person. This strategy can also be done with little to no money or can be outsourced. However it is a strategy that is highly recommended.

3. Piggy-back on the Social Media phenomenon!

Social Media Marketing is a fun easy way to improve web site traffic. However, it must be done right or it could tarnish your reputation as an authority online forever. The best two social media sites to use would be Twitter and Facebook. Social Media marketing is most effective when sharing information that adds value to other's lives. If you're the type of person that likes to spam others with your Biz opportunities, social media marketing is not for you. The spamming method of advertising will only hurt you on the social media sites. Social Media marketing is a free way to driving traffic to a website.

4. Use Video Marketing to get your audience to instantly know, like and trust you

People love everything about video. From movie stars to movies and TV shows. Video has played a big part in the U.S. culture. People are more likely to click and watch a video, then read an article. That is why video marketing is so powerful. It allows your audience to see who you are and match a voice to a face. This is why video marketing will allow your audience to know, like and trust you instantly. Video marketing is also very easy. All you need is a video camera and a subject. The best thing about this type of marketing is Google holds video as more valuable and will rank it faster and higher then another content including press releases. This type of marketing can be done for a very low cost.

5. Mastering Google with Adwords!

The best way when increasing web site traffic is to use Google adwords. Adwords is an advanced marketing strategy that does cost money. However if you have the money the risk is definitely worth the reward. With Adwords you want to start off doing small campaigns. This will allow you to understand how it works. Also, make sure you learn as much as possible about Adwords from master marketer before using more money on your campaigns. The last piece of advice is learn, learn, learn as much as you can about this marketing strategy.

These are the top 5 ways to drive a ton of targeted traffic to a website. If you learn how to master all of these marketing strategies, there is no doubt you will be generating enough leads for years to come.

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