Health & Medical Parenting

Spring Activities for Teens Week Four

Teen Activities for Spring Quick Links:

Week 3 | Teen Activities for Spring Index | Week 5

Make This:

Egg Salad
It's traditional to make egg salad for Easter. You can find different recipes to try here. I personally enjoy my egg salad with sweet relish in it.

Learn How:

To crack an egg with one hand.
Chef's do this all the time! I found this link that explains how and if you scroll to the bottom there is a decent video that will show you.

Now if you are going to practice on all of the eggs in your home, you'll want to make sure someone is hungry for good scrambled eggs.

Get Out and Go:

Go Eggie!
Set up an egg hunt for younger kids in your church or help with a community egg hunt.

Craft This:

Seed Bead Pin
Make an Easter seed bead pin. There are ten pin designs for you to choose from.

Teen Activities for Spring Quick Links:

Week 3 | Teen Activities for Spring Index | Week 5

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