3 Expert Tips To Show Your Ex Boyfriend Why He Should Love You Again - Pull Your Ex Back Fast
When the man you love says he needs space, a break or some other weak excuse to break up with you, it might make you think it is over. You will probably go crying to your family and friends and they will be ready with advice. Some will tell you to go get in his face and others will tell you to let him go and find another man to love.
The problem is, you don't want another man, you want your ex boyfriend back. These feelings can make you withdraw from everyone and hide in your room or you might decide to go after your guy. Either of these choices will be a big mistake. You need to use these 3 expert tips to show your ex boyfriend why he should love you again.
First, you want to show him why he should love you again and not how much he has hurt you. You have to keep control of your emotions and give him the space he needs. Nothing you can say or do at this time will change his mind, so why take the risk of rejection and being hurt again? When he broke up with you, he used the element of surprise. By not contacting him, you will be surprising your ex.
As long as you stay away from him, you will not be making matters worse. If you were in his face, he would be pulling farther away and it would be more difficult to get your ex back. If you were hiding away in your room, he would feel you were just moping around and waiting for him to call. Your best choice at this time is no contact at all.
Next you need to be active. Do things that interest you and show your strength and maturity. Your ex boyfriend will be keeping close watch on you and you want him to see you can do fine without him. He will also be impressed by your unselfishness. You will gain his respect because he will feel that you are putting his feelings above your own.
Your actions of being unselfish and having the maturity to accept adversity will give your ex boyfriend more of a reason to love you again than any tears and begging could possibly do. Love and respect are two powerful reasons to want to be with someone. He is bound to begin missing the good times you had together and yearn to have those good times back.
Last but not least, when several weeks have passed and you have not had any contact with him, send your ex an email. Keep the email brief and do not mention the word love. Just tell your ex boyfriend you are sorry things had to end this way and wish him well in the future. That is all you need to say. When he reads it he will have a sinking feeling because he will realize he does not want to lose you.
This should make your ex boyfriend call and tell you that the two of you need to talk. When you meet him be sure to look your best, put on a happy face and show your ex boyfriend why he should love you again
The problem is, you don't want another man, you want your ex boyfriend back. These feelings can make you withdraw from everyone and hide in your room or you might decide to go after your guy. Either of these choices will be a big mistake. You need to use these 3 expert tips to show your ex boyfriend why he should love you again.
First, you want to show him why he should love you again and not how much he has hurt you. You have to keep control of your emotions and give him the space he needs. Nothing you can say or do at this time will change his mind, so why take the risk of rejection and being hurt again? When he broke up with you, he used the element of surprise. By not contacting him, you will be surprising your ex.
As long as you stay away from him, you will not be making matters worse. If you were in his face, he would be pulling farther away and it would be more difficult to get your ex back. If you were hiding away in your room, he would feel you were just moping around and waiting for him to call. Your best choice at this time is no contact at all.
Next you need to be active. Do things that interest you and show your strength and maturity. Your ex boyfriend will be keeping close watch on you and you want him to see you can do fine without him. He will also be impressed by your unselfishness. You will gain his respect because he will feel that you are putting his feelings above your own.
Your actions of being unselfish and having the maturity to accept adversity will give your ex boyfriend more of a reason to love you again than any tears and begging could possibly do. Love and respect are two powerful reasons to want to be with someone. He is bound to begin missing the good times you had together and yearn to have those good times back.
Last but not least, when several weeks have passed and you have not had any contact with him, send your ex an email. Keep the email brief and do not mention the word love. Just tell your ex boyfriend you are sorry things had to end this way and wish him well in the future. That is all you need to say. When he reads it he will have a sinking feeling because he will realize he does not want to lose you.
This should make your ex boyfriend call and tell you that the two of you need to talk. When you meet him be sure to look your best, put on a happy face and show your ex boyfriend why he should love you again