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Vinyl Fence Installation Instructions

    Vinyl Fence Preparation

    • Use a string and stakes to mark where you plan to install the vinyl fence. Make sure your corners are square.

      If you know how long the sections of the fence are, you can determine how many posts you need and how to place them from your preliminary measurements. You may have to move your fence boundaries in order to work out the proper spacing of the posts. It's also a good idea to keep your vinyl fence well within the bounds of your property.

      Keep in mind as you plan gates that they need to be wide enough for you to drive your lawn tractor through.

      Once you have the markers down the way you want them, draw a scale drawing of your fence. Mark on this drawing where you plan to put any gates as well. Not only can you use this to help you order the right amount of vinyl fence materials, but it will help you get your building permits. This information also needs to be available for the utility companies when they come to make sure there aren't any buried water lines or cables under your proposed fence.

    Vinyl Fence Installation

    • Dig your post holes either by hand with jobbers or with a rented gas-powered post hole digger. Measure each post hole to make sure it is in line and that exact center of the post is going to set where you planned it. This is essential for installing the fence properly.

      Set each post deep enough in the ground to prevent frost from heaving it out. To help prevent this from happening, make the hole bigger at the bottom than the top. Adding cement to the hole can also help prevent heaving during the winter months. As you set the posts, continue to make sure they are set accurately.

      Wrap the protective vinyl sleeve around the post. Determine the level where you want to place the first pair of lower hangers. You can adjust how low to the ground to place the hangers based on whether you are using the fence to keep your pets on your property.

      Assemble a section of fence and slide it into the pair of lower hangers. Attach the upper hangers to the top of the post. Repeat this process until you finish the fence. Because of tight tolerances in vinyl fencing, there shouldn't be a lot of play in the fence section between posts. Top the fence posts with the caps you chose.

      Finish the vinyl fence installation with your gate. Attach the hinges and make sure the gate is level and opens smoothly. Put the latches in place.

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