Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

Grow Zones for Brugmansia Plants

    Hardiness Zone

    • The brugmansia is hardy to U.S. Department of Agriculture planting zone 7b in the United States. This area includes the northern parts of southern states such as North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas and parts of the Southwest including southern New Mexico and northern Arizona. Winter lows in this region range between zero and 10 degrees above.


    • In the colder reaches of the range, the plant requires mulching for winter protection. Mulch can include straw or leaf litter as well as wood chips. The plants die back to the root in the fall after frost. The stems and foliage are clipped off and the roots covered with about 6 inches of mulch. This moderates the temperature of the roots and reduces extremes of cold. This type of protection is necessary in hardiness zones colder than zone 9.

    Winter Maintenance

    • In the warmer regions, zone 9 and warmer, the plant can be maintained as a growing plant through the winter. Light watering keeps the plant from drying out even though the brugmansia will show little growth during this time.

    Plant Traits

    • The brugmansia can reach heights of 5 feet although more commonly it tops off at about 40 inches. The plant is known for its large leaves that can be 1 foot long and even larger flowers of up to 20 inches long. Blooms range in from white to shades of red. The brugmansia is a member of the nightshade family and is poisonous if ingested.

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