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How to Get Any Woman to Like You - Using Two Clever Seduction Tactics

Some guys think that the only way to get a woman's attention is to be good looking and rich, but that's pure myth.
The truth of the matter is that the most important factors for getting a girl to dig you is to have the characteristics of a good quality man.
You can be the most well-off and attractive guy at a place and still get overlooked in favor of guys who've got the air of quality.
Here's a little story to illustrate what I mean.
Take Jack - he's practically broke, and on top of that he is just plain old ugly, with an unsightly beer gut.
The thing is, he can still get numbers from intelligent, beautiful women every time he's at a bar or club.
What's his secret? Jack knows about some clever methods to get inside a woman's head that get him up close and personal with hot girls all the time.
Check out these two tactics that can make you completely irresistible...
How To Get Any Woman To Like You - Using Two Clever Seduction Tactics Tactic #1.
"Mystify Yourself.
A lot of guys think that women tend to send mixed signals.
Well, two can play at that game, and one of the best ways to get the girls interested is to become a mystery yourself, and guard your feelings well.
That means you've got to keep your emotions in check.
If you're feeling nervous or jittery, you've got to keep that under control and come across as calm and cool.
If a girl catches on that you're all nervous, it's game over.
If you act unshakeable, it creates an air of mystery that the ladies can't resist.
Keep up that mysterious act and keep your real feelings carefully hidden.
Tactic #2.
"Discover Fractionation.
That's a big word, but all it really means is that if you don't seal the deal quickly, someone else will.
If there's a hot girl who you're trying to get with, you can be sure there are at least a half-dozen other guys with the same plan.
Fractionation is a special technique that gets a woman to feel instantly connected to you by taking her on a crazy emotional adventure just through your conversation with her.
Done right, you can get a girl to be falling all over you in 15 minutes or less.
This move is pure gold - you won't regret learning it.

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