Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Good Daters Don"t Push

There is nothing that is worse than a pushy man trying to get a woman to go out with him. Please never feel that you need to be pushy to get dates. What you are really doing is letting the woman know that you are an obnoxious jerk, and no woman is interested in getting together with a guy like that.

I don't mean that when a good chance presents itself, you shouldn't take it. But there is a difference between taking a chance and approaching a girl, and being pushy. Any time that you are pushy in the dating game, what you are really doing is telling the woman that you are desperate.

Women are not interested in desperate men because what that means is that you aren't getting any. Women don't want to date or be seen with men that are for lack of better word; losers. They are interested in successful men that are in their perceptions alpha males. Alpha males do not push themselves on women because they are confident in their abilities to get girls and they are confident in the fact that if they don't get a date with this girl, then they will sooner than later find another girl that is very interested in them.

You also don't want to be pushy when you are trying to develop a long term relationship with a woman. Being sincere means that you are not interested in pushing women into anything. Don't let your need for 'instant gratification' blind you from considering the needs of others.

In order to have a good relationship built on trust and love, you have to give the other person her space to choose what she wants and to do it in her own time. Again this doesn't mean that you don't tell her what you want and when you want it; but once you make your desires clear, you give her the time the she needs, and you consider any and all or her objections on the matter.

Whether you are trying to get a date or maintain a long term relationship; if you want to be successful, don't push.

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