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Attraction Marketing - Building a Website Which is Branding You Well

How to choose a Domain Name.
There are different ways of thinking when you choose a domain name.
Some people are thinking SEO and how to climb quickly in the search engine systems.
They will choose a generic domain name containing a keyword describing the business they are about to start.
If you want to sell pet food, you would maybe choose something like "pet-food-store.
Or else you might want to use a metaphor in the name.
I came across a name- -I don't know if it is appropriate to write a real domain-name here but I have indeed nothing to do with this person or this website.
I just find the metaphor name of the business idea very creative: "Noonhat"- -and that is a company wanting to help people meet over lunch.
It makes you smile and I think it is a name I will be remembering.
Many people say that when you want to brand yourself you should use your own name as an URL.
I would maybe suggest that if you are building a blog it is OK to use your own name- -it is indeed YOUR webpage.
But making your first blog-site you would maybe still benefit from using a keyword-or metaphoric name until your own name starts to get more known on the internet.
You can any time change your blog-name when you feel your audience know you and people start searching for your name in the search engines.
You might then want to use: "MeetYourName.
com" or "AboutYourName.
com" etc.
An important thing is that you like the domain-name yourself.
You have to be comfortable with it- -feel it is Yours.
It shows who you are and what you want to tell the world.
Is there an excellent content on your site? When your visitors arrive on your website they will get an idea what it will be like if they join you.
Try to see the site through the eyes of your customer.
Does the website show that you truly have something to offer if they join you? Are there links to your newest articles, blogs videos as well as links to affiliate products? Are you telling about useful books and maybe showing the way to other professionals? To establish your presence and credibility on the internet, all the above will help you.
How do you sound like a professional? To sound like a professional you have to believe in what you are writing yourself.
You have to know what you are talking about.
All the time ask yourself: How does what I am writing reflect on me? Remember your mindset is Very Important here.
First of all: YOU have to see yourself as a leader and you have to present yourself as a leader before other people will believe in you and accept you as a one.
Be yourself let your personality shine through.
What you write and say should always be the truth.
Make your site neat, orderly and pleasant to the eye.
Look at your site- -what you see is you.
Does it show that you care and want to give your best? If you came to this site for the first time, what would you want to meet? This represents you- -this is your "office" shown to the public eye.
It is a good idea to study the websites of the pros and see how they use to set up headers, colors, paragraphs etc for a maximum visual impact.
To attract people a website needs to look attractive.
You should have some photos of yourself showing the person you want to brand.
Let it be professional photos showing you as the happy and confident leader you yourself believe you are.
When this is said I do not mean you have to use a lot of money to create your webpage.
Start the simple way- -just do it neat and let it have quality content and look professional.
Seth Godin of "Squidoo" describes this process as "turning strangers into friends and friends into customers.
" That is what attraction marketing is all about, and the very best way to build a successful network marketing business.

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