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Attention All Men! Want to Be Better in Bed and Make Sex Last Longer? Here"s How to Last Long in Bed

If you want to be able to hike up your sexual staying power, today we're discussing  how anyone can do this.
  It's incredibly common, yet most guys simply disregard the issue.
  By following the correct steps, it's possible to permanently last longer during sex.
Let's be frank -  premature ejaculation is a problem.
  It's no mystery that guys who finish too fast during intercourse aren't having the best sex possible.
  There has been many surveys showing that women aren't satisfied unless sex can last long enough for her to orgasm, so there should be a mountain of motivation for men to increase their sexual stamina.
Here are some of the most common ways that let you boost your stamina during sex.
  You will be able to get to the stage that you can last however long you need if you learn the right plan and follow it properly.
You have a group of muscles named the PC muscles that you will want to work out regularly and in turn, you will see an increase in your stamina.
You can see a sizable jump in the time you can last just by increasing the strength of these muscles.
Most men have never tried any exercises to strengthen their PC muscles and are excited to see the outcome once they start.
  Not only will it make you last longer in bed, but your erections will grow thicker and your orgasms more potent.
Second, you want to fully build your awareness of the arousal process and the sensations that your body gets during sexual activity.
  Becoming more conscious of what you're feeling is crucial to building your stamina.
  Being able to know when you're on the edge of having an orgasm is a crucial part of being able to improve your staying power in bed.
  This allows you to know when you need to slow things down.
  You won't have to completely stop, instead you'll be able to realize precisely when you're about to orgasm and bring down your level of excitement by slowing down only a bit.
It's possible to boost your staying power once you get on the proper program.
  Premature ejaculation can be fixed and doing so will make both you and your spouse much more satisfied about your sex-life.

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