Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

What Is A Plumbing Snake?

Many plumbers make use of a specialized tool called a plumbing snake. Which is likely the most common tools that is used by plumbers globally. Most people will never need one, but for major plumbing problems a plumbing snake is often required and any qualified and professional plumber will have this tool at their disposal. This tool can make a huge difference in fixing drain clogs and other plumbing problems and today, these snakes can be equipped with tiny cameras that allow plumbers to see directly into pipes.

The ordinary plumbing snake is a very simple device, but these amazing tools can be more complex the higher quality you get, incorporating modern technology. However, the basic snake is simply a long and flexible hose that has a small augur at the end. No matter where the clog in the drain is located, the plumbing snake will likely be able to reach it. They do come in different sizes but generally you will be able to reach the clog. The drill on the end of the snake will twist and remove hair or other items that are clogging the drain.

Plumbing snakes are used when a drain is clogged or blocked by hair, feces, food or toilet paper and the water cannot travel through the pipes as quickly as it should, or in some cases cannot travel through the pipes at all. Even if water is still able to pas through the pipe somewhat it can become more blocked over time and can cause serious problems. This is where a plumbing snake can be extremely useful, for finding the cause of the blockage and completely getting rid of the debris and material blocking the pipe, allowing free flowing water.

This tool is particularly useful for debris in hard to reach locations where the pipes are not completely straight and there are curves and elbows that make blockages hard to reach. The plumbing snake gets inserted into the pipe and can reach up to fifty feet for commercial models. However, using one does take some practice and learning the technique, and someone who is untrained in the use of a plumbing snake may not be able to remove the blockage completely, so you should let a professional plumber handle the blockages.

The plumbing snake needs to be properly maintained and cleaned and professional plumbers know that their equipment is extremely important and will therefore take good care of it. The plumbing snake is an important tool for anyone providing plumbing services, and plumbing in Fort Worth, Texas often requires the use of such a tool, as well as many other tools that professional plumbers use. If you have a major blockage, leak or another plumbing problem then use a plumber that has the tools and equipment to take care of your problem quickly and efficiently.

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