Health & Medical Lose Weight

Weight Loss and Speeding Up Your Metabolism Is Not Rocket Science

With our busy lives we can easily forget how simple life can be.
For instance keeping your BMI (Body Mass Index) at a healthy level, seems to be an attractive yet impossible reality to most of us.
However this is not true and we have simply chosen to concentrate on less important priorities leaving our health to another day.
Let me spell out how simple losing weight and maintaining a healthy BMI is.
We eat a set amount of Calories each day our limit is somewhere around 2000 for women and 2500 for men..
why not record your approximate calorie intake and make sure you keep under the limit OR work off any excess calories at the gym or whatever piece of equipment you choose to use Simple yes!! Come on it's not Rocket Science is it!! Now before you get annoyed I'm just pointing out how simple losing weight is by the book, however I also know the practice is somewhat more complicated.
We have it too easy.
We can choose to live our lives as we please, why should we turn down that kebab or pizza - life is about living after all how miserable will we be on a strict diet of 2000-2500 calories a day.
The above paragraph is my take on one of the many reasons why good intention diets never work not in the long run! So how do we over come our failings with discipline and maintain a healthy life? In my experience losing weight is a real problem.
Over the years I have lost in the region of 20 to 30 stone, I've lost count! My point is Ive had my share of fad diets and also positive weight loss strategies.
I believe the best way to lose weight and keep it off is mastering your Metabolism.
This does not need to be difficult or confusing you simply need to alter your weight gaining life style habits for weight losing habits that you can integrate into your life.
For instance take the dog out for a longer walk.
No dog? Then invest in a bicycle and use it instead of the car within reason of course.
My guess is that most of you already have a bike anyway and don't use it as often as you could.
So do you see where I am going with this article.
I hope it opens a few eyes out there, or just motivates you a little to change your lifestyle for the better.
Your metabolism rate will increase if you do! So that your daily limit of calories will increase helping you to maintain a healthier BMI.
Good Luck

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