Home & Garden Gardening

What Products Should I Use To Keep My Aquarium Clean

There is no doubt that aquariums can beautify your house but since fish are living organisms the aquarium is bound to get dirty. If you are wondering what products should I use to keep my aquarium clean then I recommended you make a note of the following products that can help you keep your aquarium crystal clear.

The first product that can help you keep your aquarium clean is an aquarium python. This product is very beneficial during water changes. It can help you clean the water of your aquarium without any hassle.

Aquarium pythons allow you to clean the gravel in the aquarium while doing a water change without disturbing the fish. The aquarium python is a long pipe that allows you to directly fill water from the tap and also let the water out the aquarium directly into the sink. Most aquarium pythons allow you to adjust the water flow and some of these devices come with extra fittings such as a splash proof outlets to prevent water splashing when you are letting the water out of the aquarium.

It is also possible to get battery operated siphons that can help you clean the gravel and water of an aquarium. Battery operated siphons are beneficial if you have aquariums that hold less than 15 gallons water.

The second product that can help you keep your aquarium clean is a magnetic glass cleaner. Magnetic glass cleaners allow you to clean algae from the insides of the glass without putting your hand inside the aquarium. It is important to note that special magnetic cleaners are available for acrylic aquariums and regular magnetic cleaners should not be used on acrylic aquariums since they can cause permanent scratches. It is also possible to get aquarium cloth mops or other algae cleaning accessories that are suspended on a stick and help you clean those hard to reach spots.

The third and most important product that can help you keep your aquarium is an aquarium filter. Sponge filters are beneficial for aquariums that are can hold less than 10 gallons water and internal filters or hang on back filters are beneficial for aquariums that can hold up to 40 gallons water. External canister filters are recommended for larger aquariums since these filters are apt for cleaning larger aquariums with more fish. An under gravel filter is not recommended for large aquariums since large aquariums generally have a bigger fish load which can cause the plates of the under gravel filter to clog. Under gravel filters require regular maintenance and siphoning the gravel is an important part of maintaining an under gravel filter.

Glass cleaners are required to clean the external glass of the aquarium and care should be taken that the glass cleaning liquid does not mix with the aquarium water while cleaning since this can prove toxic to the fish.

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