Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Asking a Woman For a Date

Asking a girl out is difficult for a lot men, as it takes the right timing, guts and a fair amount of self-confidence.
Moreover you have to overcome all those self-doubts that you will be rejected once you approach, that you will be slapped in the face for even approach or that the woman will laugh at you.
But to be honest, what are the chance so of this happening when you approach someone? They are pretty slim.
Yeah you might be rejected, you might not stand a chance and you might crash and burn, but what will happen if you are not approaching a girl? Yep.
At least nothing that will satisfy you.
At lot will happen in your head though.
What would have happened if I approached? Why am I not brave enough to talk to a woman? Why didn't I ask her out? Yada yada.
All that stuff that will make you feel bad and sabotage your self-confidence.
How do you approach a girl then? First of all you have to learn how to approach.
It's dead simply, you just have to do it.
Once you see a woman you find interesting you have to go up and start talking.
A bar might not be the best place to meet a woman, there are better places to meet a woman where you have face less competition.
Grocery stores, gym classes, and plenty of other spots.
Approaching a woman is a mind game and if you lack the self-confidence you have to develop it.
First of all pick up interesting hobbies that are good for a conversation (surfing, extreme sports, gossip, etc.
) Then fix your appearance and make the best out of yourself.
You might want to ask a female friend to help you with this.
Next you are going to approach women and start a conversation.
Not being needy, simply having a good time, not pretending you want to be their friend, just small-talk.
And if it clicks you simply say you have to go and ask her for the email.
Then you will write her an email and ask her out.
Not on a date, simply ask her to join you when you're pursuing your hobby.
Places with other people or an event that delivers social proof works best.
Make sure you go to more than one place if you really want to spark the attraction, as every hop will increase your chances.
Enjoy yourself and have fun, that is what meeting women is all about.

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