Health & Medical Parenting

How To Communicate, Educate and Share As Your Child Develop

In a blink of an eye, we suddenly realized how quickly our children have grown. We have to acknowledge that before it is too late. Thus it is important for us as parents to be there during these stages of development to communicate, educate and share their formative years so that they will grow up to be what we want them to be.

0-1   Year – At this early stage, it is not possible to teach them the concepts of right or wrong. Instead if we provide an environment of warmth, cuddling and loving attention, a child will likely grow into a happy and healthy adult.

1-2   Years – Any misbehaviour should be handled with preventive measures rather than scolding or arguing. As they have short attention span, a simple "NO" is sufficient. Anything beyond this may have undesirable effects

2-4 Years – During this time they are unable to understand abstractions such as truth or generosity. Thus they will imitate what their parents do, so we should set examples. When undesirable behaviour occurs, be firm but act in a friendly and kind manner.

4-6 Years – Kids at this age respond to simple explanations and reasoning. They also like to please you and in return be liked by others. Therefore, we should take positive steps when a child show positive behaviour, like showering them with praises whenever it's due. Now we can start to introduce the concepts of truthfulness and generosity and not forgetting to set example of good behaviour.

5-8 Years – Children start to show social awareness by now. They will have to be taught about values, fairness and follow certain rules of behaviour. When they understand these rules and limitations it will give them a sense of security.

8-11 Years – As they start to face the outside world and influences more frequently, they will likely become more independent. You can expect arguments and questioning of your decisions. Stand firm on the important issues but practice some diplomacy on lesser ones. As parents, this is the time to set moral behaviour.

12-17 Years – These are rebellious years for teenagers. A child who doesn't show this behaviour may have some emotional problems. During these periods, parents must weather the storm when your teenage kids start to test and question conventional rules, beliefs and values. However, if you have instilled a sense of value at the early stages, chances are they will a balanced outlook.  Remember to keep the communication channel open and do not panic. Should things become uncontrollable, seek professional help.

18 Years and Above – At this formative years, your children will have develop or have developed into adolescence with their own set of minds and values. But life has still many unanswered mysteries and questions for them. As parent, continuing to provide a warm and honest relationship will ensure that they reach mature adulthood in the best possible ways.

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