Health & Medical Parenting

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Risks Exposed

One of the biggest fears for new parents is the possibility of SIDS or sudden infant death syndrome affecting their baby. Being that SIDS is still claiming thousands of babies lives each year, there is a genuine concern by new parents. The worst aspect of the SIDS situation is that there is no 'specific' cause for the disease, although there is a lot of speculative thought, there is no actual known cause. Having the information on hand, speculative or not, about what best to do to keep baby safe from harm, is about the best we can do as new parents. Education is as preventative as it gets at the present time.

Links To Bacterial Infections

An interesting finding in 2008, recognized larger than normal levels of the Escherichia coli bacteria, and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, in the bodies of babies who had died from SIDS. So these steps will help you battle against the chances of baby getting a bacterial infection:

1.Feed Naturally. The breast milk from mom contains natural antibodies that strengthen your baby's resistance to bacteria and infection.

2.Sterilize your infants things. Everything from baby bottles to teethers should be sterilized thoroughly when used. To achieve this, you can do it the old fashioned way by boiling things or you can also use the modern approach by using your microwave. Just make sure that you read the manufacturers guidelines if you are using the microwave.

3.Always be careful preparing solids for baby to eat. Always make sure that your vegetables are thoroughly washed before cooking them. Meat should also be washed thoroughly.

Airway Becoming Covered When Sleeping Together

Sleeping with other infants or family members, unfortunately increases the risk of your baby having his or her airway covered inadvertently. To reduce these possibilities, it is better for your infant to sleep in their own space, without others.

Check Baby's Sleeping Position

One of the findings of various SIDS reports, is there seems to be a higher instance of death, in babies who have been put down on their tummy. Although still relatively unclear, it is thought that being on the tummy, allows the airway to become covered. Make sure when you put your baby down for a nap, or sleep, that they are lying on their back.

Reduce the Amount of Bedding

Having bedding that is too large or bulky, can also cause covering of the airway. To avoid this, use sheets and blankets that are roughly the same size as the mattress. Also make sure that there are no stuffed toys or other objects in the crib with baby.

Quit Smoking Around Baby

It would seem that higher than expected levels of nicotine were found present in the bodies of babies who had died of SIDS. Even the slightest indicator of nicotine being present, should be enough of a warning about the dangers in exposing your baby to any form of cigarette smoke. In fact is you are a smoker, it is best to stop smoking for the duration of your pregnancy. Also make sure that other family members are not smoking in the vicinity of your baby.

Having Adequate Ventilation Indoors

Mold that is created through a lack of indoor ventilation could also be a trigger, as it effects the lungs, and in adults too. If mold can affect an adult like this, the new undeveloped lung of a baby stands no chance at all. Always ensure that your indoor ventilation system is in good working order. Ensuring this simple thing, will certainly impact on the presence of mold and any other unwanted gases, inside your home.

As well as the guidelines above, you should also consider using a baby movement monitor to keep your infant monitored when you can't be around. If your baby happens to stop moving or breathing for a few seconds, the monitor will detect no movement, and audible alarm will sound. This allows to race in and check on baby, to make sure that the non-movement is okay.

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