Home & Garden Gardening

How to Germinate Goji

    • 1). Obtain goji berries processed for planting, instead of consuming, from an online goji berry retailer.

    • 2). Drop the goji berries into a bowl of water to soak for one hour. Use a paring knife to slice the berries open and remove the seeds.

    • 3). Place the goji seeds into a glass filled with warm water for one day to soak. Prepare the seed flats by filling a 3-inch deep tray with a combination of half potting soil and half builder's sand.

    • 4). Remove the goji seeds from the glass and spread them over the soil in the tray, 1/4 inch deep. Cover the tray with a large plastic dome or loose plastic wrap to raise the humidity. Place the tray away from bright light in a warm spot.

    • 5). Moisten the goji tray to keep the soil damp. Remove the dome or plastic wrap when the goji seeds emerge as seedlings.

    • 6). Snip off the weakest goji seedlings with scissors. Determine how many goji plants you wish to grow and then leave only the strongest.

    • 7). Mix equal parts potting soil and builder's sand and fill 4-inch peat pots with this mixture. Remove a goji seedling from the tray by inserting a spoon underneath the plant and raising it up and out of the tray. Insert one goji seedling in the center of each 4-inch pot.

    • 8). Moisten the goji seedlings and place them outdoors for three hours per day until they grow 4 inches tall. When they reach 4 inches, move the goji seedlings into full sun.

    • 9). Break up the ground where the goji seedlings will grow to maturity with a rotary tiller. The ideal size of the planting area for each goji seedling is 12 inches wide by 12 inches deep. After you have tilled the planting area, pour in half of a 5-gallon bucket filled with builder's sand and a 4-inch layer of composted cow manure. Blend the sand and compost into the area with a garden fork.

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      Create holes with a garden spade that match the size of the 4-inch containers. Place one container into each hole and firm the surrounding soil with your hands.

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      Encircle the goji seedlings with chicken wire to protect them from rabbits and other critters.

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      Keep the goji plants moist and loosely tied to a tall wooden stake with garden string as the plant grows to maturity.

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