Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

How to Select a Dog Tote for a Yorkie

    • 1
      This bag provides plenty of air flow.

      Make sure there is sufficient ventilation. This is one of the most important things for dog totes. Your dog must not struggle to breathe while inside or run the risk of overheating. A dog tote should have at least three mesh panels that will allow air to flow through, and many people prefer to have mesh on the top if the bag zips closed.

    • 2
      If your dog is extremely well behaved and will not be tempted by external distractions, then this bag can work.

      Decide if you want a top. Some dog totes are basically just baskets for your dog. A yorkie will generally not be a good fit for this kind of bag as they are naturally inquisitive and will want to explore if they are allowed to just sit in an open bag. Some bags have clips for your dog's collar, but a stubborn yorkie may end up hanging himself trying to jump out of the bag.

    • 3). Make sure there is adequate cushioning inside. There should be something comfortable for your dog to lie on.

    • 4). Check for weather resistance. Some bags are water resistant or have panels that can be pulled over the top in the event of bad weather. You may also want an insulated bag if you are going to take your dog out on cold days and she does not have a thick coat of her own.

    • 5). Make sure your dog can see out. Yorkies hate not being able to see what is going on. The bag should have a mesh panel in the front so that your pet can see where he is going.

    • 6). Make sure you can carry it comfortably. A dog tote will not be a convenient bag if it is too large, heavy or unwieldy to manage once your dog is inside. Make sure you can easily manuever while you are carrying it.

    • 7
      This yorkie probably needs to stay home...

      Make sure it fits. You need to check weight limits and make sure that it is long and wide enough to hold your dog comfortably. You do not want your dog to fall out the bottom! Make sure that the bag's maximum weight limit is slightly more than your dog actually weighs. If you are close to the limit, then do not add things to the bag once your dog is inside.

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