Technology Computer & Networking security

How to Remove Symantec Email Proxy Popups

    • 1). Run the Norton antivirus program.

    • 2). Go to the options menu and select the tab labeled "Norton Antivirus" (note: this step is only necessary for people who run more complete packages of Norton Antivirus).

    • 3). Select the "Email" tab on the left hand side of the menu.

    • 4). Find the "Scan Outgoing Email" option and disable it. There will be a box beside this option, just make sure it is not checked. Press the "OK" button at the bottom of the menu to save these settings.

    • 5). Sometimes a "Protection Alert" will pop-up giving you the option to permanently save the settings. Check this box and select "OK."

    • 6). Restart the computer for the changes to take effect.

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