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Design Concepts For Your Living Room

You can get a whole new outlook on life by simply redesigning your living room.
Create a relaxing environment with your groupings of furniture.
You will want to make your living room reflect a certain style that is your own.
When it comes to designing successfully, be it modern or traditional, there are principles to keep in mind.
Experiment with these innovative interior design ideas which can result in either subtle or dramatic effects.
Having a focal point is a must if you want your room to look great; however, the TV is often the centerpiece of many American families' living rooms.
For the most part, televisions don't make attractive centerpieces even though there are some extremely sleek flat-screen TVs on the market that look good.
For a more appealing room, incorporate your set into the design or even try to conceal it in the decor.
You can use an old antique cabinet that has doors in it to keep the television inside of it, make a television niche or even a wood panel unit..
A unique piece of furniture, a beautiful painting, or even the fireplace should replace the television set as attractive focal points for the room.
You can put more focus on the item by placing it next to an accent wall that has been colorfully painted to contrast with the rest of the walls in the room.
Colors like dark gray, orange, or an intense red give the room a more contemporary look.
Brown, green, and burgundy tones, on the other hand, produce a more traditional look.
With just under $100, you could transform your living room into a new space altogether.
That couch that has seen years of wear and tear can be spruced up with a nice slipcover.
Today's slipcovers are available in a range of colors and styles, and are much more sophisticated than those ill-fitting ones of the past.
Your television console or coffee table can be sanded down and repainted.
You might even choose some brighter colors than you have in the past.
When you have taken time to choose the colors of your floors, furniture, and accessories, you'll be creating an overall mood or look that brings everything together.
The kind of furniture you purchase can also breathe new life into a room.
The size of your living room, the color of the walls, and the areas of the room best suited to arrangements are all very important considerations when you are choosing a particular style of furniture.
By planning things out, you will be able to more effectively arrange your living space.
House plants, vases, statues, bric-a-brac and paintings could give your living room a more warm and inviting feeling.
Certain relaxing activities such as conversation or reading are not as enjoyable in harsh and unattractive overhead lighting.
Accent lighting is is more pleasing and flattering to your guests.
You can create a gentle, ambient gleam on the ceiling and walls with lamps.
If you enjoy reading or engaging in your favorite hobbies in your living room, task lights are designed to provide enough lighting for these activities without overwhelming the room with too much light.
For an even more relaxing or romantic mood, candlelight works extremely well.

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