Health & Medical Beauty & Style

How To Apply Eye Makeup For Blue Eyes

A lot of women wonder what eyeshadow they can wear with their particular eye color.
Many women with blue eyes are under the misconception that they are limited in the colors they can choose from.
This is a myth.
There are many colors that will not only work with blue eyes, but will really accentuate them, making your blue eyes pop.
For any eye color, a good tool to use is the color wheel.
Have a look at one and find your eye color.
Are your eyes blue, blue-green, grey? When you've found your eye color look at the shades directly across from it.
These are the colors that will suit your eyes.
There are so many variations of blue eyes out there but in general colors such as browns, neutral skin tones, pinks, purples, and oranges will really bring out your blue eyes.
Brown shades will make your blue eyes bluer and make the whites of your eyes whiter.
Pink tones can help your skin to look cleaner and your eyes watery.
Now I know many of you would never have thought of wearing orange or purple colored eyeshadow.
You're probably thinking it's a bit too dramatic for me.
We're not talking about bright, loud colors.
You certainly can go for that look but oranges and purples come in much lighter, subtle tones.
Peaches, rust, lavender, lilac etc...
When applying eyeshadow you should choose 3 to 4 colors.
For example, if you were to choose browns, you could work with a dark shade such as chocolate, as well as mocha and more neutral shades.
When these are blended together correctly, the look is stunning and your eyes will be radiant.
To apply make up to the eyes follow these steps: 1.
Apply a drop of primer to the eye and using your finger rub it all over the eyelid.
This will give you a smooth area to work and it will keep the eyeshadow in place.
Choose your palette.
It should include 3-4 shades of the color you have chosen: a light color, medium shades, and a dark shade.
At the base of the eyelid, using a flat brush, apply the darkest color from the palette.
Brush it right along the eyelashes from the inside to the outer corner of the eye.
Use a soft brush for this step.
Choose one of the medium shades in the palette and add some eyeshadow to the outer corner of the eye, moving upwards.
Brush this shade all along the crease to define the eye.
Keep your soft brush for this last step but be sure to clean it first.
Take the lightest color and apply it to the center of the eye.
Blend these shades together and you have a great look.

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