Tips to Help Save Your Porch or Screen Enclosure During a Hurricane or Severe Storm
- Storm shutters provide reliable protection in the event of high winds, storms and hurricanes. However, this protection doesn't come cheap; with materials and installation, storm shutters can cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars. [see References 1] Storm shutters are usually installed in the permanent windows of a home and may require modifications before you place them on a porch or screen enclosure. A much cheaper option is to have custom cut pieces of plywood at the ready to screw over your screened openings. This will provide effective protection for most storms at a fraction of the cost.
- Protect your screens and porch enclosure by anticipating what might rip through them. If you have an old tree next to the porch with a large, unhealthy looking branch hanging over it, it's only prudent to remove this branch before a hurricane does it for you. Most people certainly don't want to cut down all the trees around their homes, but keeping an eye out for unhealthy or dangerous looking branches can reduce your chances of damage.
- Prepare in advance of any storms for the necessity to strap down or move your possessions. Ideally, barbecues and large pieces of furniture will be on wheels so you can roll them into a protected garage or basement in the event of scary weather. Very large items that you can't move should be bolted down to a deck with compression straps wrapped around them to prevent various parts from blowing off. Having a dedicated, protected place that is ready to go and empty can decrease the panic as a hurricane approaches.
- A sensible option to covering up all your screens is to admit defeat to the hurricane, remove the screens and put them somewhere safe. Many screened enclosures and porches have with removable screens anyway, and it is a simple matter to unscrew them and store them away. While this will save your screens, it will leave the porch unprotected, so move any other porch possessions out of harm's way once the screens are gone.